Send data to Cordial

Cordial is a cross-channel marketing and data platform that collects all of your customer data in one platform for use with audience segments, trends, and automated customer experiences.

Use Amperity to manage contacts–attributes and list membership–in Cordial using the following REST APIs:

  • Account Contract Attributes to create contact attributes. Attributes that do not exist in Cordial are added as custom contact attributes.

  • Account Lists to fetch, create, and clear account lists, to which contacts are associated. An account list is overwritten each time results are sent from Amperity. An email address is added when it is not already a contact, after which it is assigned the subscribed status. An email address that is already a contact will retain its assigned subscription status.

  • Contact Imports to import contacts to Cordial, and then associate contacts to the account list.

  • Jobs to monitor the import job for completion.

Build a query or segment that contains the email field, along with any other fields that you want created or updated in Cordial and represented as contact attributes.


Amperity recommends using the Cordial API to send audience lists from Amperity to Cordial.

However, if you prefer to send a CSV or JSON file (one-time or recurring) instead of using the Cordial API you may configure Cordial Data Automations, and then enable that workflow using any of these destinations: SFTP, Amazon S3, or Google Cloud Storage.

This topic describes the steps that are required to send audience lists to Cordial from Amperity:

  1. Get details

  2. Add destination

  3. Add data template

Get details

Cordial requires the following configuration details:

Detail one.

A Cordial API key and the URL for the Cordial API.


Use the IP address for allowlists for Amperity to configure the allowlist for the Cordial API.

Detail one.

The name of the contacts list.


The list name is configured as part of the data template.

Detail one.

The following REST API methods must be enabled:

GET /accountcontractattributes
POST /accountcontractattributes

GET /accountlists
POST /accountlists
PUT /accountlists/{key}/clear

POST /contactimports

GET /jobs/{id}
Detail one.

A query or segment that returns the email field, along with any other fields that you want created or updated in Cordial and represented as contact attributes in Cordial.

Add destination

Configure Amperity to send audience lists directly to Cordial.

To add a destination

Step 1.

Open the Destinations tab to configure a destination for Cordial. Click the Add Destination button to open the Destination dialog box.

Name, description, choose plugin.

Enter a name for the destination and provide a description. For example: “Cordial” and “This sends audience lists to Cordial”.

From the Plugin drop-down, start typing “cor” to filter the list, and then select Cordial.

Step 2.

Credentials allow Amperity to connect to Cordial.

The credential type is set automatically. You may use an existing credential or you may add a new one.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Select an existing credential from the Credential drop-down.

– or –

Select Create a new credential from the Credential drop-down. This opens the Credential dialog box.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Enter the name for the credential, and then add a description.

Cordial has the following settings:

  • The Cordial API key.

  • The URL for the Cordial API.

When finished, click Save.

Step 3.

Each destination has settings that define how Amperity will deliver data to Cordial. These settings are listed under the Settings section of the Destination dialog box.

Settings for Cordial.
Step 4.

By default a destination is available to all users who have permission to view personally identifiable information (PII).

  • A destination may be configured to restrict access to only users assigned to the Datagrid Operator and Datagrid Administrator policies. Enable the Admin only checkbox.

  • A destination may be configured to allow users with limited access to PII. Enable the PII setting checkbox.

What is restricted access to PII?

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

Step 5.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the destination.


You must configure a data template for this destination before you can send data to Cordial.

Add data template

A data template defines how columns in Amperity data structures are sent to downstream workflows. A data template is part of the configuration for sending query and segment results from Amperity to an external location.

To add a data template

Step 1.

From the Destinations tab, open the menu for a destination that is configured for Cordial, and then select Add data template.

This opens the Add Data Template dialog box.

Step 1

Enter the name of the data template and a description. For example: “Cordial” and “Send audience lists to Cordial.”.

Step 2.

Verify business user access to queries and orchestrations and access to segments and campaigns.

A business user may also have restricted access to PII, which prevents them from viewing and sending customer profile data.

Step 2.

If business user access was not configured as part of the destination, you may configure access from the data template.


To allow business users to use this destination with campaigns, you must enable the Available to campaigns option. This allows users to send campaign results from Amperity to Cordial.

If you enable this option, the data extension settings require using campaign name and group name template variables to associate the name of the data extension to your campaign.

Step 3.

Verify all configuration settings.

Step 4.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the data template.

After you have saved the data template, and depending on how you configured it, business users can send query results and/or send campaigns to Cordial.

Workflow actions

A workflow will occasionally show an error that describes what prevented a workflow from completing successfully. These first appear as alerts in the notifications pane. The alert describes the error, and then links to the Workflows tab.

Open the Workflows page to review a list of workflow actions, choose an action to resolve the workflow error, and then follow the steps that are shown.

Step one.

You may receive a notifications error for a configured Cordial destination. This appears as an alert in the notifications pane on the Destinations tab.

Review a notifications error.

If you receive a notification error, review the details, and then click the View Workflow link to open this notification error in the Workflows page.

Step two.

On the Workflows page, review the individual steps to determine which step(s) have errors that require your attention, and then click Show Resolutions to review the list of workflow actions that were generated for this error.

The workflow tab, showing a workflow with errors.
Step three.

A list of individual workflow actions are shown. Review the list to identify which action you should take.

Choose a workflow action from the list of actions.

Some workflow actions are common across workflows and will often be available, such as retrying a specific task within a workflow or restarting a workflow. These types of actions can often resolve an error.

In certain cases, actions are specific and are shown when certain conditions exist in your tenant. These types of actions typically must be resolved and may require steps that must be done upstream or downstream from your Amperity workflow.

Amperity provides a series of workflow actions that can help resolve specific issues that may arise with Cordial, including:

Step four.

Select a workflow action from the list of actions, and then review the steps for resolving that error.

Choose a workflow action from the list of actions.

After you have completed the steps in the workflow action, click Continue to rerun the workflow.

Invalid credentials

The credentials that are defined in Amperity are invalid.

To resolve this error, verify that the credentials required by this workflow are valid.

  1. Open the Credentials page.

  2. Review the details for the credentials used with this workflow. Update the credentials for Cordial if required.

  3. Return to the workflow action, and then click Resolve to retry this workflow.

Required attributes are missing

Cordial will reject audiences when required attributes are missing.

For campaigns

To resolve this error, verify the attributes that are required by Cordial, and then verify that the list of attributes is correct for each treatment group in this campaign that is sending data to Cordial.

  1. Open the Cordial management console, and then open Jobs.

  2. Find the job with the ID that matches the ID in the error message associated with this workflow action, and then view job details.

  3. Download the rejected errors using the link in the job details. If the errors mention “missing required attribute(s)” do one of the following:

    Update the attribute(s) in Cordial to no longer be required.


    Add the missing attributes for each treatment group that is associated with this campaign.

  4. Open the Campaigns page, and then for each treatment group that is configured to send audiences to Cordial, edit the list of attributes to include all required attributes.

  5. Return to the workflow action, and then click Resolve to retry this workflow.

For orchestrations

To resolve this error, verify the attributes that are required by Cordial, and then verify that the query used with this orchestration is returning all required attributes.

  1. Open the Cordial management console, and then open Jobs.

  2. Find the job with the ID that matches the ID in the error message associated with this workflow action, and then view job details.

  3. Download the rejected errors using the link in the job details. If the errors mention “missing required attribute(s)” do one of the following:

    Update the attribute(s) in Cordial to no longer be required.


    Add the missing attributes to the results that are returned by the query that is associated with this orchestration.

  4. Open the Queries page, and then open the query used with this workflow. Update the query to return the list of attributes that are required by Cordial.

  5. Return to the workflow action, and then click Resolve to retry this workflow.

Unique list name required

Cordial list names must be unique.

To resolve this error, verify that the name of the list is unique.

  1. Open the Destinations page, and then review the data template for the destination associated with this workflow error.

  2. Verify that the value of the List Name setting is a unique value within Cordial.

  3. Return to the workflow action, and then click Resolve to retry this workflow.