Send audiences to Criteo


This topic contains information about configuring a destination that sends query results to Criteo using orchestrations. To configure a destination that sends audiences to Criteo using campaigns see this topic .

Criteo is a commerce media platform that helps marketers and media owners manage and scale campaigns. Send audiences to Criteo, and then advertise to customers across paid media, including connected TV (CTV), banner ads, and video ads.


This destination uses the Criteo API.

Your brand can send custom audiences and offline events to Criteo:

Custom audiences

Custom audiences

Use Custom audiences to help find who can be activated using Criteo.

Custom audiences

Transactions data

Use transactions data to help your brand track offline conversions from your marketing campaigns.

Send transactions data

You can send transactions data (offline events) to Criteo as a CSV or TSV file using SFTP.

Review the requirements for using SFTP to send transactions data to Criteo, and then configure Amperity to connect to Criteo using the SFTP destination.

After the SFTP destination is configured, use a query to map a customer’s email address and transactions data to the fields that can be sent to Criteo. For example:

  uit.amperity_id AS user_crmid
  , AS user_email
  ,uit.order_id AS event_id
  ,uit.item_quantity AS event_item_quantity
  ,uit.product_id AS event_item_id
  ,uit.currency AS event_currency
  ,uit.item_revenue AS event_item_price
  ,uit.order_datetime AS event_timestamp
  ,uit.store_id AS store_id
  --,uit.purchase_brand AS event_item_brand --optional
  --,uit.product_category AS event_item_category --optional
FROM Merged_Customers mc
INNER JOIN Unified_Itemized_Transactions uit
ON mc.amperity_id = uit.amperity_id
AND uit.is_return = false
AND uit.is_cancellation = false

Use an orchestration to send transactions to Criteo using the SFTP destination.

Get details

Review the following details before configuring credentials for Criteo and before configuring Amperity to send email lists to Criteo.

Detail 1.

Credential settings

Refresh token

A refresh token is generated by the OAuth process and authorizes Amperity to send data to Criteo. The value for the refresh token is updated automatically.


When configuring OAuth for Criteo you must select the portfolios to which access will be granted.

Criteo will only create the credential if the account you are using has not already granted Amperity access. If you need to create a new credential, revoke access for Amperity, and then reconfigure OAuth using the newly-generated link.

Detail 2.

Required configuration settings

Advertiser ID

The unique ID for the advertiser account in Criteo to which Amperity will send audiences.

Audience name (Required at orchestration)

The name of the audience that will be sent to Criteo.

Audience primary key

The primary key for the audience. Set to “email”.

Configure credentials

Configure credentials for Criteo before adding a destination.

An individual with access to Criteo should use SnapPass to securely share “refresh token” details with the individual who will configure Amperity.


When configuring OAuth for Criteo you must select the portfolios to which access will be granted.

Criteo will only create the credential if the account you are using has not already granted Amperity access. If you need to create a new credential, revoke access for Amperity, and then reconfigure OAuth using the newly-generated link.

To configure credentials for Criteo

Step 1.

From the Settings page, select the Credentials tab, and then click the Add credential button.

Step 2.

In the Credentials settings dialog box, do the following:

From the Plugin dropdown, select Criteo.

Assign the credential a name and description that ensures other users of Amperity can recognize when to use this destination.

Step 3.

The settings that are available for a credential are determined by the credential type. For the “criteo” credential type, configure settings, and then click Save.

Refresh token

A refresh token is generated by the OAuth process and authorizes Amperity to send data to Criteo. The value for the refresh token is updated automatically.

Reauthorize Amperity

You may need to reauthorize access to Criteo. This is necessary when an authorization token has expired or when it has been removed by someone with permission to manage access within Criteo. To reauthorize access to Criteo, follow the steps to configure OAuth and create a new credential.

Add destination

Use a sandbox to configure a destination for Criteo. Before promoting your changes, send a test audience, and then verify the the results in Criteo. After the end-to-end workflow has been verified, push the destination from the sandbox to production.

To add a destination for Criteo

Step 1.

Open the Destinations page, and then click the Add destination button.


To configure a destination for Criteo, do one of the following:

  1. Click the row in which Criteo is located. Destinations are listed alphabetically and you can scroll up and down the list.

  2. Search for Criteo. Start typing “crit”. The list will filter to show only matching destinations. Select “Criteo”.

Step 2.

Select the credential for Criteo from the Credential drop-down, and then click Continue.


Click the “Test connection” link on the “Configure destination” page to verify that Amperity can connect to Criteo.

Step 3.

In the “Destination settings” dialog box, assign the destination a name and description that ensures other users of Amperity can recognize when to use this destination.

Configure business user access

By default a destination is available to all users who have permission to view personally identifiable information (PII).

Enable the Admin only checkbox to restrict access to only users assigned to the Datagrid Operator and Datagrid Administrator policies.

Enable the PII setting checkbox to allow users with limited access to PII access to this destination.

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

Step 4.

Configure the following settings, and then click “Save”.

Advertiser ID

The unique ID for the advertiser account in Criteo to which Amperity will send audiences.

Audience name (Required at orchestration)

The name of the audience that will be sent to Criteo.

Audience primary key

The primary key for the audience. Set to “email”.

Step 5.

After this destination is configured, users may configure Amperity to:

  • Use orchestrations to send query results

  • Use orchestrations and campaigns to send audiences

  • Use orchestrations and campaigns to send offline events

to Criteo.