Send static segments to Dynamics 365 Marketing


This topic contains information about configuring a destination that sends query results to Dynamics 365 Marketing using orchestrations. To configure a destination that sends audiences to Dynamics 365 Marketing using campaigns see this topic .

Dynamics 365 Marketing helps you build personalized journeys for real-time and outbound marketing, along with event management capabilities.

Send static segments to Dynamics 365 Marketing from Amperity, and then manage collections of contacts. Build customer journeys using any combination of contacts – all contacts, by demographic, by behavior, by firmographic, or by other considerations – to narrow your segments down to the right audience for your marketing campaign.

What is a static segment in Dynamics 365 Marketing?

A static segment represents a static list of customers who are selected on a per-contact basis rather than created logically based on field values.

Static segments are added, and then submitted to the marketing-insights services each time they are loaded to Dynamics 365 Marketing, after which they are reevaluated by Dynamics 365 Marketing. Customers in a static segment are available from the Members tab in the Dynamics 365 Marketing user interface.


This destination uses the Microsoft Dynamics Segmentation API to send static segments to Dynamics 365 Marketing. If the static segment does not exist, it will be created. If the static segment does exist, it will be truncated, and then loaded.

Get details

Review the following details before configuring credentials for Dynamics 365 Marketing and before configuring Amperity to send static segments to Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Detail 1.

Credential settings

Azure tenant ID

The Microsoft Azure tenant ID for your instance of Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Azure client ID and client secret

A client ID and client secret for Microsoft Azure that has permission to access your instance of Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Detail 2.

Required configuration settings

Power Apps environment region

The environment region for your Power Apps application. For example: “crm”.

Power Apps environment name

The environment name for your Power Apps application. For example: “socktown”.

Marketing segment name (Required at orchestration)

The name of the segment in Dynamics 365 Marketing that is managed by Amperity.

Configure credentials

Configure credentials for Dynamics 365 Marketing before adding a destination.

An individual with access to Dynamics 365 Marketing should use SnapPass to securely share “Azure tenant ID”, “Azure client ID”, and “Azure client secret” details with the individual who will configure Amperity.

To configure credentials for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Step 1.

From the Settings page, select the Credentials tab, and then click the Add credential button.

Step 2.

In the Credentials settings dialog box, do the following:

From the Plugin dropdown, select Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Assign the credential a name and description that ensures other users of Amperity can recognize when to use this destination.

Step 3.

The settings that are available for a credential are determined by the credential type. For the “dynamics-365-marketing” credential type, configure settings, and then click Save.

Azure tenant ID

The Microsoft Azure tenant ID for your instance of Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Azure client ID and client secret

A client ID and client secret for Microsoft Azure that has permission to access your instance of Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Add destination

Use a sandbox to configure a destination for Dynamics 365 Marketing. Before promoting your changes, send a test audience, and then verify the the results in Dynamics 365 Marketing. After the end-to-end workflow has been verified, push the destination from the sandbox to production.

To add a destination for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Step 1.

Open the Destinations page, and then click the Add destination button.


To configure a destination for Dynamics 365 Marketing, do one of the following:

  1. Click the row in which Dynamics 365 Marketing is located. Destinations are listed alphabetically and you can scroll up and down the list.

  2. Search for Dynamics 365 Marketing. Start typing “micro”. The list will filter to show only matching destinations. Select “Dynamics 365 Marketing”.

Step 2.

Select the credential for Dynamics 365 Marketing from the Credential drop-down, and then click Continue.


Click the “Test connection” link on the “Configure destination” page to verify that Amperity can connect to Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Step 3.

In the “Destination settings” dialog box, assign the destination a name and description that ensures other users of Amperity can recognize when to use this destination.

Configure business user access

By default a destination is available to all users who have permission to view personally identifiable information (PII).

Enable the Admin only checkbox to restrict access to only users assigned to the Datagrid Operator and Datagrid Administrator policies.

Enable the PII setting checkbox to allow users with limited access to PII access to this destination.

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

Step 4.

Configure the following settings, and then click “Save”.

Power Apps environment region

The environment region for your Power Apps application. For example: “crm”.

Power Apps environment name

The environment name for your Power Apps application. For example: “socktown”.

Marketing segment name (Required at orchestration)

The name of the segment in Dynamics 365 Marketing that is managed by Amperity.

Step 5.

After this destination is configured, users may configure Amperity to use orchestrations to send query results Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Build query

You will need to build a query that outputs fields that can be mapped to static segments in Dynamics 365 Marketing.


Query results must include the contactid field, which is the same as the contactid field for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Contact.