Send data to Sailthru

Sailthru is a cross-channel marketing platform built to deliver personalized experiences for consumers across email, web, and mobile channels.

Use Amperity to manage audience lists in Sailthru. Build a query using the email field, and then send the results of that query to Sailthru or build a segment that matches specific criteria, and then send the email addresses for customers who belong to that audience. You may extend the audience using custom attributes.


This destination uses the Sailthru API .

This topic describes the steps that are required to send email address lists to Sailthru from Amperity:

  1. Get details

  2. Add destination

  3. Add data template

Get details

Sailthru requires the following configuration details:

Detail one.

An API key and API secret.


You can find the API key and secret after you log in to Sailthru. The API key and API secret are available after you authenticate to the Sailthru API. (See the first item under “Setup – API & Postbacks” on that page.)

Detail one.

The list name to which the Sailthru connector will write. This can be the name of an existing list or a new list.

Detail one.

A query that outputs the fields that must be mapped to the Sailthru audience.

Extended profile attributes

You can extend audiences that are sent to Sailthru by including extended profile attributes.

The following SQL query shows how to return results that map to Sailthru field naming requirements:

  address AS postal_address
  ,address2 AS postal_address2
  ,birthdate AS birth_date
  ,city AS postal_city
  ,full_name AS name
  ,given_name AS first_name
  ,postal AS postal_code
  ,surname AS last_name
  ,state AS postal_state
FROM Customer360


Sailthru field names are case sensitive and cannot start with a number. Review the list of extended profile attributes that are supported by Sailthru.

Add destination

Configure Amperity to send email address lists directly to Sailthru.

To add a destination

Step 1.

Open the Destinations tab to configure a destination for Sailthru. Click the Add Destination button to open the Destination dialog box.

Name, description, choose plugin.

Enter a name for the destination and provide a description. For example: “Sailthru” and “This sends email address lists to Sailthru”.

From the Plugin drop-down, start typing “sai” to filter the list, and then select Sailthru.

Step 2.

Credentials allow Amperity to connect to Sailthru.

The credential type is set automatically. You may use an existing credential or you may add a new one.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Select an existing credential from the Credential drop-down.

– or –

Select Create a new credential from the Credential drop-down. This opens the Credential dialog box.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Enter the name for the credential, and then add a description.

Sailthru has the following settings:

  • API key

  • API secret


You can find the API key and secret after you log in to Sailthru. The API key and API secret are available after you authenticate to the Sailthru API. (See the first item under “Setup – API & Postbacks” on that page.)

When finished, click Save.

Step 3.

Each destination has settings that define how Amperity will deliver data to Sailthru. These settings are listed under the Settings section of the Destination dialog box.

Settings for Sailthru.
Step 4.

By default a destination is available to all users who have permission to view personally identifiable information (PII).

  • A destination may be configured to restrict access to only users assigned to the Datagrid Operator and Datagrid Administrator policies. Enable the Admin only checkbox.

  • A destination may be configured to allow users with limited access to PII. Enable the PII setting checkbox.

What is restricted access to PII?

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

Step 5.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the destination.


You must configure a data template for this destination before you can send data to Sailthru.

Add data template

A data template defines how columns in Amperity data structures are sent to downstream workflows. A data template is part of the configuration for sending query and segment results from Amperity to an external location.

To add a data template

Step 1.

From the Destinations tab, open the menu for a destination that is configured for Sailthru, and then select Add data template.

This opens the Add Data Template dialog box.

Step 1

Enter the name of the data template and a description. For example: “Sailthru” and “Send email address lists to Sailthru.”.

Step 2.

Verify business user access to queries and orchestrations and access to segments and campaigns.

A business user may also have restricted access to PII, which prevents them from viewing and sending customer profile data.

Step 2.

If business user access was not configured as part of the destination, you may configure access from the data template.


To allow business users to use this destination with campaigns, you must enable the Available to campaigns option. This allows users to send campaign results from Amperity to Sailthru.

If you enable this option, the data extension settings require using campaign name and group name template variables to associate the name of the data extension to your campaign.

Step 3.

Verify all configuration settings.

Step 4.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the data template.

After you have saved the data template, and depending on how you configured it, business users can send query results and/or send campaigns to Sailthru.