Send data to The Trade Desk

The Trade Desk is a platform for wide internet advertising and enables the use of UID 2.0 for first-party paid media advertising.

What is UID 2.0?

Unified ID 2.0 is an open source identity framework that benefits consumers by allowing them to control how their data is shared with publishers and advertisers.

The Trade Desk supports using UID 2.0 to help establish your customers’ identifies without using third-party data. UID 2.0 enables publisher websites, mobile apps, and Connected TV (CTV) apps to monetize through programmatic workflows, while offering user transparency and privacy controls that meet local market requirements.

Your brand can send custom audiences and offline events to The Trade Desk:

Custom audiences

Custom audiences

Amperity can manage custom audiences for The Trade Desk demand-side platform, from which your brand can reach those audiences throughout their entire digital journey and across every channel and device, including:

  • Display advertising on ABC, ESPN, the Wall Street Journal, live sporting events (Major League Baseball), in-store advertising at WalMart, and more.

  • Video advertising on over-the-top (OTT) and connected TV (CTV) apps and platforms, such as Disney+, Major League Baseball, Hulu, Fox, Vevo, Paramount+, and more.

  • Audio advertising in-between songs and during podcasts across Spotify, Pandora, SoundCloud, iHeart, and more.

United States audiences only

Your brand should only send custom audiences that contain customers who reside within the United States to The Trade Desk.

Custom audiences

Offline events

Offline events help your brand track offline conversions—for in-store sales, place visits, and other events—for your marketing campaigns. Send offline measurement data to The Trade Desk, and then use that data for attribution and targeting.


Send offline events to The Trade Desk as soon as possible, ideally, within 1 to 3 days of the transaction date and avoid sending data older than 25 days.

United States audiences only

Your brand should only send offline events that occurred within the United States to The Trade Desk.


This destination uses the The Trade Desk API to manage audiences and send offline events.

Changes to audiences are not immediately available in The Trade Desk. Allow for up to 48 hours after the point at which Amperity has finished sending audience updates for them to be available.

This topic describes the steps that are required to send audience lists to The Trade Desk from Amperity:

  1. Get details

  2. Custom audiences

  3. Offline events

Get details

The Trade Desk requires the following configuration details:

Detail one.

Configuration details for The Trade Desk.

  • The advertiser ID

  • The advertiser secret


You can find the advertiser ID and secret key from the management console within The Trade Desk. Open Preferences, and then First Party Data Credentials. The advertiser ID and secret key are shown there.


Your brand must have a UID 2.0 agreement in-place with The Trade Desk before configuring this destination.

Detail two.

The name of a segment in The Trade Desk.

Membership duration defines the length of time (in days) at which individual audience members will belong to the segment in The Trade Desk. The minimum value should be “7” because The Trade Desk uses the previous seven days when building audiences. “14” is the default duration. The maximum value is “180”.


Set this value to “0” to remove all audience members.


The membership duration is measured in days. Adjust the membership duration value to be greater than (or equal to) than the frequency at which your brand will send campaigns or orchestrations from Amperity.

For example, if your brand sends a campaign to The Trade Desk every 30 days, then the membership duration should be set to “30”. If your brand sends a campaign every 14 days, then the membership duration should be set to “14”.

If a campaign is sent every 30 days, but the membership duration is 14, then the audience size for the last 16 days of the duration window will be 0.

Detail three.

You may use a query to build the list of email addresses or you may select the email attribute from the attribute editor in your campaigns.


The email column is required and may not be aliased.

Example query

The default audience list in The Trade Desk requires only an email address. This requires a simple SELECT statement that returns only the Amperity ID and its associated email address:

  ,amperity_id AS "Amperity ID"
  ,email AS "Email"
FROM Customer360

You may build a more refined list of email addresses, such as those associated with a high-value audience (historical or predicted), or those with affinities for certain products in your brand. You may use uid2 as a source attribute when Amperity is configured as a UID2 Operator for your brand.

Detail four.

The Trade Desk offline events only

A tracking tag name must be provided. The value for the tracking tag name is a string with a maximum of 256 characters. The tracking tag name will appear in the UI for The Trade Desk exactly as it is entered in the configuration for a destination in Amperity that is configured to send offline events to The Trade Desk.


The tracking tag name must be unique across all offline tracking tags, especially if shared between an advertiser and an offline provider. The tracking tag name must not duplicate any previous name for the same advertiser and offline data provider ID.

The Trade Desk uses a combination of the tracking tag name, your brand’s advertiser ID, and offline data provider ID to build an offline tracking tag ID your brand can use to help measure the success of your marketing campaigns.

A query that defines the set of offline events to be sent to The Trade Desk.

Custom audiences

Send custom audiences to manage audiences for The Trade Desk demand-side platform, from which your brand can reach audiences throughout their entire digital journey and across every channel and device.

This includes

  • Display advertising on major networks, in major newspapers, live sporting events, and in-store advertising

  • Video advertising on over-the-top (OTT) and connected TV (CTV) apps and platforms

  • Audio advertising placed in-between songs and during podcasts


Your brand should only send custom audiences that contain customers who reside within the United States to The Trade Desk.

Add destination

Configure Amperity to send audience lists directly to The Trade Desk.

To add a destination

Step 1.

Open the Destinations tab to configure a destination for The Trade Desk. Click the Add Destination button to open the Destination dialog box.

Name, description, choose plugin.

Enter a name for the destination and provide a description. For example: “The Trade Desk” and “This sends audience lists to The Trade Desk”.

From the Plugin drop-down, start typing “trad” to filter the list, and then select The Trade Desk.

Step 2.

Credentials allow Amperity to connect to The Trade Desk.

The credential type is set automatically. You may use an existing credential or you may add a new one.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Select an existing credential from the Credential drop-down.

– or –

Select Create a new credential from the Credential drop-down. This opens the Credential dialog box.

Set the following credentials for The Trade Desk.

Add the advertiser ID and secret key for your account with The Trade Desk.


You can find the advertiser ID and secret key from the management console within The Trade Desk. Open Preferences, and then First Party Data Credentials. The advertiser ID and secret key are shown there.

When finished, click Save.

Step 3.

Each destination has settings that define how Amperity will deliver data to The Trade Desk. These settings are listed under the Settings section of the Destination dialog box.

Settings for The Trade Desk.

Optional. You may define a segment name and membership duration (in days) for individual audience members. These may be left blank, and then specified with a data template.


The membership duration is measured in days. The minimum value should be “7” because The Trade Desk uses the previous seven days when building audiences. “14” is the recommended duration, but this value should be greater than (or equal to) the frequency at which your brand sends campaigns or orchestrations to The Trade Desk.

For example, if your brand sends a campaign to The Trade Desk every 30 days, then the membership duration should be set to “30”. If your brand sends a campaign every 14 days, then the membership duration should be set to “14”.

Set this value to “0” to clear out the audience in the segment.

Step 4.

Business users are assigned to the Amp360 User and/or AmpIQ User policies. (Amp360 User allows access to queries and orchestrations and AmpIQ User allows access to segments and campaigns.) A business user cannot select a destination that is not visible to them.

Business users – including users assigned to the DataGrid Operator policy – may have restricted access to PII.

What is restricted access to PII?

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

You can make this destination visible to orchestrations and allow users with restricted access to PII to use this destination by enabling one (or both) of the following options:

Allow business users access to this destination.


To allow business users to use this destination with campaigns, you must enable the Available to campaigns option within the data template. This allows users to send campaign results from Amperity to The Trade Desk.

The other two settings may be configured within the data template instead of the destination.

Step 5.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the destination.


You must configure a data template for this destination before you can send data to The Trade Desk.

Add data template

A data template defines how columns in Amperity data structures are sent to downstream workflows. A data template is part of the configuration for sending query and segment results from Amperity to an external location.

About paid media campaigns

Amperity provides the right set of data to support your brand’s paid media advertising with The Trade Desk.

  1. Merged Customers vs. Unified Paid Media

    The Merged Customers table contains each of your customers’ best profiles.

    The Unified Paid Media table contains all your customer’s known profile data.

    Your brand will require additional data templates to use the Unified Paid Media table alongside the Merged Customers table to support paid media campaigns.

  2. Enable dedicated data templates for each table.

    Use a consistent naming pattern to label data templates that use data from the Merged Customers table. For example: “Best profile”.

    Use a consistent naming pattern to label data templates that use data from the Unified Paid Media table. For example: “Full profile”.

  3. After data templates are configured for both tables, use the default attributes component on the Campaigns page to configure which attributes will be associated with the destination, including the table from which those attributes will be pulled.

    The selected table will affect your brand’s downstream match rates and overall customer matches within your paid media campaigns. The decision behind which table to use depends on your brand’s downstream use case and the type and amount of customer profile data your brand wants to use to match customers.

    You brand should expect to see higher match rates when sending audiences from the Merged Customers table, but a higher number of matched customer profiles when sending audiences from the Unified Paid Media table. Use A/B testing to compare the results from each table, after which your brand can use the audience that works best for your campaigns.

To add a data template

Step 1.

From the Destinations tab, open the menu for a destination that is configured for The Trade Desk, and then select Add data template.

This opens the Add Data Template dialog box.

Step 1

Enter the name of the data template and a description. For example: “The Trade Desk” and “Send audience lists to The Trade Desk.”.

Step 2.

Verify business user access to queries and orchestrations and access to segments and campaigns.

A business user may also have restricted access to PII, which prevents them from viewing and sending customer profile data.

Step 2.

If business user access was not configured as part of the destination, you may configure access from the data template.

Step 3.

Verify all configuration settings.

Verify settings for the data template.


The membership duration is measured in days. The minimum value should be “7” because The Trade Desk uses the previous seven days when building audiences. “14” is the recommended duration, but this value should be greater than (or equal to) the frequency at which your brand sends campaigns or orchestrations to The Trade Desk.

For example, if your brand sends a campaign to The Trade Desk every 30 days, then the membership duration should be set to “30”. If your brand sends a campaign every 14 days, then the membership duration should be set to “14”.


When the segment name and membership duration settings are not configured as part of the destination, you must configure them as part of the data template before making this destination available to campaigns.

Step 4.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the data template.

After you have saved the data template, and depending on how you configured it, business users can send query results and/or send campaigns to The Trade Desk.

Offline events

Offline conversion events help your brand track offline conversions—for in-store sales, place visits, and other events—for your marketing campaigns. Send offline measurement data to The Trade Desk, and then use that data for attribution and targeting.


Your brand should only send offline events that occurred within the United States to The Trade Desk.

Build a query

Use a query to build a combinations of data from your Customer 360 tables that best represent the set of offline events that your brand wants to use within The Trade Desk.


Send offline events to The Trade Desk as soon as possible, ideally, within 1 to 3 days of the transaction date and avoid sending data older than 25 days.

You can send offline events to The Trade Desk to support your brand’s use cases.

A query that returns a collection offline event is similar to:

  , AS email
  ,uit.order_datetime AS timestamp
FROM Unified_Itemized_Transactions uit
LEFT JOIN Customer_360 c360 ON uit.amperity_id = c360.amperity_id
WHERE uit.order_datetime > (CURRENT_DATE - interval '25' day)
GROUP BY amperity_id

The query MUST contain the following fields: email and timestamp.


You may use uid2 as an attribute when Amperity is configured as a UID2 Operator for your brand. For example:

  ,uit.order_datetime AS timestamp
FROM Unified_Itemized_Transactions uit
LEFT JOIN UID2 uid2 ON uit.amperity_id = uid2.uid2
WHERE uit.order_datetime > (CURRENT_DATE - interval '25' day)


Review the list of offline events parameters that may be sent to The Trade Desk. Compare these parameters to the fields that are available from your brand’s customer 360 database to determine which fields are available to be sent to The Trade Desk.

Some parameters, such as city, region (which represents a state within the United States), and country, must be associated with the location in which the offline event occurred, not the location at which the customer associated with the offline event resides.

The eventname parameter provides a list of options defined by The Trade Desk. Your brand must choose one of the defined options.

Add destination

Configure Amperity to send audience lists directly to The Trade Desk.


Amperity must be authorized to send data to your The Trade Desk account prior to configuring the destination.

To add a destination

Step 1.

Open the Destinations tab to configure a destination for The Trade Desk. Click the Add Destination button to open the Destination dialog box.

Name, description, choose plugin.

Enter a name for the destination and provide a description. For example: “The Trade Desk” and “This sends audience lists to The Trade Desk”.

From the Plugin drop-down, start typing “trad” to filter the list, and then select The Trade Desk.

Step 2.

Credentials allow Amperity to connect to The Trade Desk.

The credential type is set automatically. You may use an existing credential or you may add a new one.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Select an existing credential from the Credential drop-down.

– or –

Select Create a new credential from the Credential drop-down. This opens the Credential dialog box.

Choose an existing credential or add credential.

Enter the name for the credential, and then add a description.

Step 3.

Each destination has settings that define how Amperity will deliver data to The Trade Desk. These settings are listed under the Settings section of the Destination dialog box.

Settings for The Trade Desk.

The following settings are specific to The Trade Desk:



Tracking tag name

A tracking tag name must be provided. The value for the tracking tag name is a string with a maximum of 256 characters. The tracking tag name will appear in the UI for The Trade Desk exactly as it is entered in the configuration for a destination in Amperity that is configured to send offline events to The Trade Desk.


The tracking tag name must be unique across all offline tracking tags, especially if shared between an advertiser and an offline provider. The tracking tag name must not duplicate any previous name for the same advertiser and offline data provider ID.

The Trade Desk uses a combination of the tracking tag name, your brand’s advertiser ID, and offline data provider ID to build an offline tracking tag ID your brand can use to help measure the success of your marketing campaigns.

Step 4.

Business users are assigned to the Amp360 User and/or AmpIQ User policies. (Amp360 User allows access to queries and orchestrations and AmpIQ User allows access to segments and campaigns.) A business user cannot select a destination that is not visible to them.

Business users – including users assigned to the DataGrid Operator policy – may have restricted access to PII.

What is restricted access to PII?

Restricted PII access is enabled when the Restrict PII access policy option that prevents users who are assigned to that option from viewing data that is marked as PII anywhere in Amperity and from sending that data to any downstream workflow.

You can make this destination visible to orchestrations and allow users with restricted access to PII to use this destination by enabling one (or both) of the following options:

Allow business users access to this destination.


To allow business users to use this destination with campaigns, you must enable the Available to campaigns option within the data template. This allows users to send campaign results from Amperity to The Trade Desk.

The other two settings may be configured within the data template instead of the destination.

Step 5.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the destination.


You must configure a data template for this destination before you can send data to The Trade Desk.

Add data template

Offline events must be sent using a query and orchestration. The data template associated with offline events should not be made available to the Campaigns editor.

To add a data template

Step 1.

From the Destinations tab, open the menu for a destination that is configured for The Trade Desk, and then select Add data template.

This opens the Add Data Template dialog box.

Step 1

Enter the name of the data template and a description. For example: “The Trade Desk offline events” and “Send offline events to The Trade Desk.”.

Step 2.

Verify business user access to queries and orchestrations and access to segments and campaigns.

A business user may also have restricted access to PII, which prevents them from viewing and sending customer profile data.

Step 2.

If business user access was not configured as part of the destination, you may configure access from the data template.

Step 3.

Verify all configuration settings.

Verify settings for the data template.

The name of the segment in The Trade Desk. The membership duration defines the length of time (in days) at which individual audience members will belong to the segment. The minimum value should be “7” because The Trade Desk uses the previous seven days when building audiences. “14” is the recommended duration. Set this value to “0” to clear out the audience in the segment.


When the segment name and membership duration settings are not configured as part of the destination, you must configure them as part of the data template before making this destination available to campaigns.

Step 4.

Review all settings, and then click Save.

Save the data template.

After you have saved the data template, and depending on how you configured it, business users can send query results and/or send campaigns to The Trade Desk.

Offline events paramaters

The following table describes each of the parameters that are required by The Trade Desk for offline events. The TD1 - TD10 fields represent the optional fields your brand may include to extend customer profiles to include offline events.

The fields are listed alphabetically, but may be returned by the query in any order.

Field name



Optional; Recommended when transaction details are included with offline events. See item_code, name, price, and qty.

The name of a product in your product catalog.

This value is most often associated with the Product Category field in the Unified Itemized Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Product Category, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,product_category AS cat



The name of the city in which the offline event occurred.



The three-letter country code for the country in which the offline event occurred.


Offline events should only be sent to The Trade Desk when they occurred within the United States.

Use a WHERE clause to limit query results to only offline events that occurred within the United States.

WHERE country = 'USA'


When country is included in offline results, region must also be included.



The email address that is associated with the offline event.


Amperity converts email addresses to a UID 2.0 value, and then sends them to The Trade Desk, after which they are available from within The Trade Desk as a UID2 ID type. Rows that are sent to The Trade Desk that do not have a UID 2.0 value or have an empty value are removed by The Trade Desk.

You may use uid2 as an attribute when Amperity is configured as a UID2 Operator for your brand.


Optional; Required for sending product catalogs alongside offline events.

An event name groups your brand’s offline events a specific category type for offline events as defined by The Trade Desk.

The event name that most frequently is associated with offline events for retail transactions is “purchase”, but the event name may be any of the event names that are described in the following table (listed alphabetically):


A user added an item to the shopping cart.


A user requested and received directions to a physical location for your brand.


A user logged in to a site


A user sent a message to your brand using a form or email.


Default. A user completed a purchase.


Recommended for all retail offline events.


A user searched for a category


A user searched for an item.


A user visited a website.


A user started the checkout process.


A user viewed the contents of their cart.


A user viewed an item.


A user added an item to a wish list.


Optional; Required when transaction details are included with offline events. See cat, name, price, and qty.

The unique identifier for a product in your brand’s product catalog.

This value is most often associated with the Product ID field in the Unified Itemized Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Product ID, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,product_id AS item_code


Optional; Recommended when transaction details are included with offline events. See cat, item_code, price, and qty.

The name of a product in your brand’s product catalog.

This value is most often associated with the Product Name field in the Unified Itemized Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Product Name, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,product_name AS name



A unique identifier for the transaction. The value for this field is a string with a maximum of 64 characters.


This field should be included with offline events to help The Trade Desk deduplicate conversion events.

This value is most often associated with the Order ID field in the Unified Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Order ID, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,order_id AS orderid


Optional; Recommended when transaction details are included with offline events. See cat, item_code, name, and qty.

The price of each item that is associated with an offline event. For example: “$9.99”

This value is most often associated with the Item Price field in the Unified Itemized Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Item Price, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,item_price AS price


Optional; Recommended when transaction details are included with offline events. See cat, item_code, and price.

The number of items that are associated with an offline event. For example: “10”.

This value is most often associated with the Item Quantity field in the Unified Itemized Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Item Quantity, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,item_quantity AS qty


Optional; Required when country is included with offline events.

The region in which the offline event occurred. For the United States, region refers to the state in which the offline event occurred.

Within the SELECT statement, return region in the query results when country is also returned in the query results. This is done typically by mapping a column in a database table to region.

For example:

,country AS country
,state AS region


Use a WHERE clause to limit query results to only offline events that occurred in specific states.

WHERE state = 'CA'



A unique identifier for the location in which the offline event occurred. For retail transactions, this is most often a unique ID for a store or for a website.

This value is most often associated with the Store ID field in the Unified Transactions table. Within the SELECT statement, return Store ID, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,store_id AS storeid

If you don’t need to track offline events by individual physical stores, you may use a purchase channel to define this value. For example:

,purchase_channel AS storeid

TD1 - TD10


A series of optional fields that may be used for category or other organization. The value for these fields is a string with a maximum of 64 characters.



A field in a database table that contains the date and time at which the offline event occurred.

For retail-focused offline events this is most often the Order Datetime field in the Unified Transactions table, but it may be from a different table depending on your use case and/or how your brand has configured Amperity. Within the SELECT statement, return Order Datetime, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,order_datetime AS timestamp



You may use uid2 as an attribute when Amperity is configured as a UID2 Operator for your brand.

For example:

  ,uit.order_datetime AS timestamp
FROM Unified_Itemized_Transactions uit
LEFT JOIN UID2 uid2 ON uit.amperity_id = uid2.uid2
WHERE uit.order_datetime > (CURRENT_DATE - interval '25' day)



The monetary value of the offline event to your brand. The value for this field must be a decimal.


This field should be included with offline events to help The Trade Desk deduplicate conversion events.

For retail-focused offline events this is most often the Order Value field in the Unified Transactions table, but it may be from a different table depending on your use case and/or how your brand has configured Amperity. Within the SELECT statement, return Order Value, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,order_value AS value



The currency that was associated with the offline event.

For retail-focused offline events this is most often the Currency field in the Unified Transactions table, but it may be from a different table depending on your use case and/or how your brand has configured Amperity. Within the SELECT statement, return Currency, and then rename it to the field name required by The Trade Desk.

For example:

,currency AS valuecurrency