Start here

Start here to learn how to configure Amperity for all of your use cases. Use DataGrid to pull all of your customer data from any source-–online, offline, historical, streaming-–without requiring schema planning or ETL. Use DataGrid to send sends results of any size and type to any of your downstream applications and workflows.

About this topic collection

The left-side navigation (from top to bottom) in this topic collection uses a verb-based approach to loosely organize around the series of actions that you may do when configuring Amperity.


This left-to-right configuration workflow is most common whenever you add new data sources to Amperity.

This is because that workflow typically requires adding couriers, applying semantic tags, making domain tables available to Stitch, refactoring your customer 360 database (or other databases, as needed), and then making those results available to queries and/or segments, depending on the types of downstream workflows you need to support.

As you do these steps, you will move from the top toward the bottom of the left-side navigation in Amperity. For example: Sources > Stitch > Customer 360, and so on.

The left-side navigation has sections for the following activities:

  1. Using a sandbox to make configuration changes, validating those changes in the sandbox, and then promoting those changes to your production tenant.

  2. Managing data sources, including ensuring semantic tags are applied to raw data, and ensuring that data tables that are made available to the Stitch process are in the right shapes for your business requirements.

  3. Running Stitch and validating those results.

  4. Building your customer 360 database and managing any other databases and tables that are required to support your business requirements.

  5. Managing destinations, including configuring them so that data analysts and marketers in your organization can use Amperity to build queries and send data to downstream workflows and/or define audiences and campaigns that can be sent to a variety of marketing channels.

  6. Configuring certain end-to-end workflows to run on a defined schedule.

About your Amperity tenant

Customers use Amperity in many different ways:

  • AmpID for identity resolution and management

  • Amp360 for complete customer profiles

  • AmpIQ for customer intelligence and activation

  • DataGrid as a power grid for customer data

A tenant is an instance of Amperity that supports all of these combinations from a common starting state:

  • An empty Sources page that is ready to be configured to pull data to Amperity from any location.

  • A Stitch page shows the results of processing all of the data that was pulled to Amperity.

  • A Customer 360 page, in which a database is built using the output of the Stitch process as the starting point.

  • A Queries page that runs queries against the customer 360 to return subsets of data.

  • An empty Destinations page that is ready to be configured to send results of queries made in the Segments page to any downstream process.

Customers who use AmpIQ will have the following additional pages:

  • A Segments page that builds segments against the customer 360 for use with campaigns.

  • A Metrics page that contains a series of metrics cards that track core business outcomes.

  • A Campaigns page that allows you to define campaigns, and then send messages or offers specific group of customers or recipients.

Included SFTP site

Every Amperity tenant includes an SFTP site with a hostname of <tenant> For example, if your company name is ACME, then your tenant’s SFTP hostname is (The hostname is always all lowercase.)


The SFTP site is provisioned by an Amperity administrator after the initial tenant creation. As such, the SFTP site is not immediately available, but this is not a long process. When the SFTP site is ready, Amperity will use SnapPass to send you the connection details. If you wish to use RSA key-based authentication, please provide the public key to your Amperity administrator when requesting SFTP access.

Once this site is provisioned, you may configure the SFTP site as an SFTP source or an SFTP destination to support any desired workflow. External customer processes can be configured to connect to the site using SFTP, after which they can add data to or pick up data from the site to support any external workflow.


The SFTP server has a 30-day limit on data and after 30 days, data may be moved automatically to an archive location. This location is still accessible to Amperity in case it becomes necessary to reuse it.


The hostname for the SFTP site is always <tenant-name> Some older tenants may still be using the legacy address, if so, please contact your Amperity administrator about migrating.

Log in to Amperity

You must provide your credentials to Amperity in order to log in.

To log in to Amperity

  1. Open in your web browser. Google Chrome is recommended.

  2. When prompted, provide your Amperity credentials.


    Most credentials are configured to use some form of single sign-on (SSO), but may be configured to use usernames and passwords, depending on how user access is configured for your tenant.

  3. Click LOG IN.

Supported browsers

Amperity works best with Google Chrome and works fine with Chromium-based browsers, such as Brave.

Amperity is not supported from Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, or from mobile/tablet devices.

About sandbox workflows

Amperity recommends using a sandbox to make all configuration state changes to your brand’s production tenant.

A sandbox is a copy of your production tenant in which you can safely make configuration changes, validate the results of those changes, and then from which you can safely promote those changes to production.

Use a sandbox to safely make configuration changes to Amperity.

All sandbox workflows follow the same pattern: create a sandbox, make iterative changes in the sandbox, review and validate all changes, promote validated changes to production.

Step 1.

Sandboxes are created from the Users & Admin page. Find the Sandboxes section, and then click Create sandbox.

Create a sandbox for your tenant.

To access a sandbox, from the list of sandboxes, select the    icon, and then from the list of options select Access sandbox.

Access a sandbox from the Users and Activity page.


Data is not moved between production and a sandbox. Configuration state is copied from production, and then applied to the sandbox.

Step 3.

Sandbox configuration works the same way as it does in production with all of the same features and functionality. The main difference is that users in a sandbox are assigned the DataGrid Administrator policy, which gives them full access to the configuration state within the sandbox.

When you access a sandbox, it’ll look much the same as production, but with a different color scheme.

A sandbox has a slightly different color scheme and a unique banner.

Validate all configuration changes

Sandbox-specific notifications are built into the pages to help you identify the current configuration state of the sandbox as it relates to the configuration state in production. These appear near the top of each page.

A notification is shown when action is required to synchronize the configuration states between a sandbox and production. For example:

You will be notified when updates are available for your sandbox.

after which you can review the details for each update that may be available.

Review the details for each update.

A list of changes will appear under the Added, Changed, or Removed sections. Click the name of the update to learn more about the differences between the configuration states of your sandbox and production.

Review the list of Added, Changed, and/or Removed configuration state changes. Click the name of the added, changed, or removed object to review the details for the configuration state change.

Resolve validation issues, as necessary.

Review the details for each update.
Step 3.

When the sandbox is ready to be promoted, click Promote. Enter a merge message for this set of configuration state changes.

Review the details for each update.