Weakest match

Use this query to identify the lowest-scoring record pair, also referred to as the weakest match, within every Amperity ID cluster to improve the overall quality of Stitch results.


There should be a notable decline over time for the number of clusters in which the weakest match is below the Stitch threshold. These clusters are required to have transitive connections to other high-quality pairs. If records are matched in clusters that do not have transitive connections to other high-quality pairs, it’s important to investigate those clusters to confirm if they were accurately clustered together and do have transitive connections to other high-quality pairs.

When to use

  1. Run this query periodically.

  2. Review the results of this query.

  3. Look for lowest scoring record pairs, and then investigate them (typically ~30 minutes).

Configure query

  1. From the Queries page, open the Stitch QA folder, and then select this query.


    Add the Stitch QA queries template folder if it does not already exist.

  2. Click Run Query and debug any issues that may arise.

  3. Click Activate.