Stitch Blocking Keys table

The Stitch Blocking Keys table contains all of the blocking keys that are associated with the Stitch process.

Use with Stitch QA

Use the Stitch Blocking Keys table to understand why blocking used (or did not use) a foreign key or separation key to block (or unblock) two records.

Add table

A passthrough table adds a domain table to your database. Some domain tables are replaced by stitched domain tables, which include the Amperity ID, but otherwise are identical to the source domain table.

To add the Stitch Blocking Keys table

  1. From the Database Editor, click Add Table.

  2. Name the table “Stitch_Blocking_Keys”.

  3. Set the build mode to Passthrough, and then select Stitch Blocking Keys.

  4. Hide the table from the Visual Segment Editor by verifying that Show in VSE? is unselected.

  5. Click Activate to update the customer 360 database with your changes.

Column reference

The Stitch Blocking Keys table contains the following columns:

Column name

Data type




A blocking key defines a specific combination of characters to be used as a blocking strategy. For example, the first three characters in given-name, the first character in surname, and birthdate represent a blocking key.



The name of the data source from which this customer record originated.


The combination of PK and Datasource uniquely identifies a row in the Stitch Blocking Keys table, which correlates to a single row in a domain table.



The combination of data source and primary key allows Amperity to uniquely identify every row in every data table across the entirety of customer data input to Amperity.


The combination of PK and Datasource uniquely identifies a row in the Stitch Blocking Keys table, which correlates to a single row in a domain table.



A blocking strategy acts like a filter against a very large data set. Each blocking strategy applies its filter and all records that match are grouped together into a block. Each record that matches a blocking strategy is a blocking key.