Unified Customer table

The Unified Customer table contains every row of every stitched table with all semantics coalesced into a single column, with two exceptions that are removed from the table: values from a bad-values blocklist and values associated with supersized clusters. A unique Amperity ID may appear in more than one row.

Add table

The Unified Customer table is a required table for the customer 360 database and is always built as a passthrough table from Stitch output.


This table is added automatically when the “Customer 360” template is used to add the customer 360 database. Using a template is the recommended way to add the Unified Customer table. This section documents how to manually add this table, should it be necessary.

To add the Unified Customer table

  1. From the Customer 360 page, under All Databases, select the menu for the customer 360 database, and then click Edit.

  2. From the Database Editor, click Add Table.

  3. Name the table “Unified_Customer”.

  4. Set the build mode to Passthrough.

  5. From the Source Table drop-down, select the Unified Customer table.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Add a table description. This enables a tooltip that is visible from other areas in Amperity.

  8. Verify that semantic tags–given_name, surname, email, phone, address, city, state, postal, birthdate, gender, etc.–were applied to all PII fields correctly.


    You can clear incorrectly tagged semantics individually or for the entire table. To clear semantic tags for the entire table, under Semantic Suggestions click Clear semantics.

  9. From the Table Semantics drop-down, select Unified Customer.

  10. Click Save.

Column reference

The Unified Customer table contains the following columns:

Column name

Data type


Amperity ID


The unique identifier that is assigned to clusters of customer records that all represent the same individual. The Amperity ID does not replace primary and foreign keys, but exists alongside them within unified profiles.


The Amperity ID is a universally unique identifier (UUID) that is represented by 36 characters spread across five groups separated by hyphens: 8-4-4-4-12.

For example:




The address that is associated with the location of a customer, such as “123 Main Street”.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Address semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



Additional address information, such as an apartment number or a post office box, that is associated with the location of a customer, such as “Apt #9”.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Address2 semantic.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced



The date of birth that is associated with a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Birthdate semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The city that is associated with the location of a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the City semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The ck semantic tag may be applied to a column that contains pre-existing, tenant-specific customer IDs. When customer keys are applied, Amperity compares them to the Amperity ID as part of the deduplication process.

Also in: Unified Coalesced



The country that is associated with the location of a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Country semantic.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced

Create DT


Apply the create-dt semantic tag to columns in customer records that identify when the data was created. The field to which this semantic is applied must be a datetime field type.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced



The name of the data source from which this customer record originated.



The email address that is associated with a customer. A customer may have more than one email address.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Email semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw

FK [Name]


The fk-[namespace] semantic tag identifies a field as a foreign key. A foreign key semantic tag must be namespaced. For example: fk-customer, fk-interaction, fk-audience, or fk-brand.

A column is added for each foreign key that is defined in the Sources page.


What happens to foreign keys in the Unified Coalesced table?

  • Records may have NULL foreign keys.

  • There may be multiple foreign keys in the data source, but there may not be duplicate foreign keys.

  • There may be multiple foreign keys per Amperity ID.

  • There should not be multiple Amperity IDs per foreign key.

Also in: Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw

Full Name


A combination of given name (first name) and surname (last name) for a customer. May include a middle name or initial.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the full-name semantic.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced



The gender that is associated with a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Gender semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw

Generational Suffix


The suffix that identifies to which family generation a customer record belongs. For example: Jr., Sr. II, and III.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced

Given Name


The first name that is associated with a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the given-name semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw

Loyalty ID


The identifier for a loyalty program that is associated with a customer.



The phone number that is associated with a customer. A customer may have more than one phone number.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Phone semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The combination of data source and primary key allows Amperity to uniquely identify every row in every data table across the entirety of customer data input to Amperity.



The zip code or postal code that is associated with the location of a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the Postal semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The state or province that is associated with the location of a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the state semantic.

Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The last name that is associated with a customer.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the surname semantic.

Also in: Customer 360, Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced, Unified Preprocessed Raw



The title that precedes a full name that is associated with a customer, such as “Mr.”, “Mrs”, and “Dr”.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced

Update DT


Apply the update-dt semantic tag to columns in customer records that identify when the data was last updated in the source system. The field to which this semantic is applied must be a datetime field type. At least one customer record must have this semantic tag applied to ensure that the update_dt column is created in the Unified Coalesced table and to ensure that the Merged Customers table behaves correctly.

Also in: Merged Customers, Unified Coalesced