Unified Email Events table

The Unified Email Events table contains individual email event information, such as sends, opens, clicks, opt-in and opt-out preferences, bounces, and conversions. This table is added as Stitch output when email event semantic tags are applied to data sources.


The Email Engagement Attributes, Email Engagement Summary, and Unified Email Events tables are used to enable email engagement workflows within Amperity.

The Email Engagement Summary and Unified Email Events tables are generated as Stitch output after applying email events semantic tags to data sources that contain email engagement data, such as opens, clicks, opt-in and opt-out preferences, or conversions, along with email summary if that data is available.

The Email Engagement Attributes table is built in your customer 360 database using a built-in SQL template. Some customization of this SQL template is necessary to align the behavior of this table to the data that exists in your tenant.


The Unified Email Events table has a dependency on the Email Engagement Summary table. The Email Engagement Summary table requires email summary semantic tags to be applied feeds and/or custom domain tables that contain email engagement data.

Column reference

The Unified Email Events table contains the following columns:

Column name

Data type




The brand or company from which an email was sent.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/brand semantic.





The email address to which an email was sent.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/email semantic.

Event Datetime


The date and time at which email event occurred.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/event-datetime semantic.

Event Type


The type of email event. Possible values:

  • Open

  • Click

  • Sent

  • Optin

  • Bounce

  • Converted

  • Unsubscribe


The values for email event types must spelled as expected to ensure the Email Engagement Summary can properly summarize email events. For example: “Optin” may not be “Opt-in”.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/event-type semantic.





The region or location from which an email was sent. The region or location is typically associated to a single brand.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/region semantic.

Send ID


The unique identifier for the email that was sent to an email address at a specific date and time. If a data source does not provide a send ID a unique key is generated.

Values in this column depend on fields that are tagged with the email-event/send-id semantic.