Build a seven day rolling window for order revenue.
Month-by-month cohorts and repeat purchase windows, split by channel.
Count the customers in your loyalty program, then sort them by state.
Track customer acquisition for single- and multi-brand tenants.
Return the days to second purchase using a date range for first orders.
Build acquisition channel reports using data from Google Analytics.
Find the difference between lost and won customers by month and year.
Find the percentage of transactions that are missing Amperity IDs.
Month-over-month revenue is useful for tracking revenue growth.
Return one-and-done customers by product category.
Return one-and-done customers by calendar year.
Partition by brand, and then order the results by predicted CLV.
Find your brand's top N products by revenue.
Find purchases over a 12-month rolling window.
Find the largest transactions by Amperity ID, and then rank them.
Rank customers by product affinity.
Find product replenishment cohorts using timeframes.
Find product replenishment cohorts using deciles.
Find customers who are in your top 10% or top 25% lifetime revenue.
Send monthly revenue to a dashboard built in your favorite analytics or BI tool.
Revenue opportunity sizing across multiple groups of customers.
Revenue opportunity sizing for a single group of customers.
Use the SUM() function to return total quantity, returns, revenue by brand.
Generate daily transaction metrics; send those results to analytics or BI tools.