GET /workflow/runs

Use the /workflow/runs endpoint to return a list of workflows that exist within the date range defined in the request.

Available HTTP methods

GET /workflow/runs/


  1. Add an API key.

  2. Generate an access token.

Base URL

All requests made to the /workflow/runs endpoint should be directed to the following base URL:


Rate limit

A rate limit is the number of requests that may be made to the Amperity API in a given time period.

The Amperity API supports requests to endpoints that do not exceed a rate of 10 requests per second. Response times will vary by endpoint and the complexity of data that is returned by the response. Some requests may take seconds to return.

Requests to the Amperity API that exceed 10 requests per second may return an error response with an HTTP 429 status code.


A request to the /workflow/runs endpoint is similar to:

curl --request GET \
       ' \
       ?limit=12 \
       &with_total=true \
     --header 'amperity-tenant: tenant' \
     --header 'api-version: 2024-04-01' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer token'

(This example is formatted for readability in a narrow page layout.)

Request parameters

The following table describes the parameters that may be used with the /workflow/runs endpoint.




String. Optional.

A supported version of the Amperity API. For example: 2024-04-01.


You may use the api-version request header instead of the api_version request parameter.


Datetime. Optional.

A timestamp that defines the start (inclusive) of the time window in which one (or more) workflows started to run. See the created_to request parameter.

This timestamp may be a partial timestamp, such as YYYY-MM-DD. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format and is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Only workflows that have a created_at value that falls within this time window will be returned. (See the created_at response property for the workflow/runs/{id} endpoint.)


Datetime. Optional.

A timestamp that defines the end (exclusive) of the time window in which one (or more) workflows started to run. See the created_from request parameter.

This timestamp may be a partial timestamp, such as YYYY-MM-DD. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format and is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Only workflows that have a created_at value that falls within this time window will be returned. (See the created_at response property for the workflow/runs/{id} endpoint.)


Datetime. Optional.

A timestamp that defines the start (inclusive) of the time window in which one (or more) workflows stopped running. See the ended_to request parameter.

This timestamp may be a partial timestamp, such as YYYY-MM-DD. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format and is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Only workflows that have a ended_at value that falls within this time window will be returned. (See the ended_at response property for the workflow/runs/{id} endpoint.)


Datetime. Optional.

A timestamp that defines the end (exclusive) of the time window in which one (or more) workflows stopped running. See the ended_from request parameter.

This timestamp may be a partial timestamp, such as YYYY-MM-DD. The timestamp must be in ISO 8601 format and is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Only workflows that have a ended_at value that falls within this time window will be returned. (See the ended_at response property for the workflow/runs/{id} endpoint.)


Integer. Optional.

The maximum number of records to include in a single page of results.


String. Optional.

An opaque token that is used to paginate results. Omit the next_token property to return the first page. Use the cursor value for next_token that was returned in a response to view the next page of results.

For example: ABCd1fghIJk2l3M


The possible values for next_token are returned within the 200 response.


The value for next_token cannot be NULL.


String. Optional.

Return a list of workflows that only match the specified workflow state. May be one of the following:

  • Started

  • In progress

  • Stopping

  • Stopped

  • Succeeded


This is the same value that is visible from the Status column on each individual workflow page.


String. Optional.

Return a list of workflows that only match the specified workflow type.


Use this endpoint to return a list of workflows (and workflow types), and then use a value from the type response parameter to make a new request that filters by that workflow type value.


Boolean. Optional.

Set this value to true to include a total count of all results. Default value: false.


Obtaining the total count of all results can be an expensive operation when there is a high number of pages in the results set.

Request examples

The following examples show how to send requests to the /workflow/runs endpoint.


The following example shows how to use cURL to send a request to the /workflow/runs endpoint.

curl --request GET \
       ' \
       ?limit=12 \
       ?with_total=true \
     --header 'amperity-tenant: tenant' \
     --header 'api-version: 2024-04-01' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer token'

(This example is formatted for readability in a narrow page layout.)


A response from the /workflow/runs endpoint will match an HTTP status code. A 200 response will contain the results set. A 4xx response indicates an issue with the configuration of your request. A 5xx response indicates that the endpoint is unavailable.

200 OK

The 200 response returns a list of workflows.

  "error": {
    "attribution": "customer",
    "type": "amperity.workflow.error/type",
    "message": "Found table in an invalid state:\n
                loyalty_members. This error can be\n
                resolved by removing this table\n
                or by loading data to the table.",
  "id": "wf-20240603-12345-MNabc",
  "ended_at": "2024-02-10T17:29:32.687Z",
  "name": "Loyalty Membership",
  "principal_name": "Justin Scott",
  "principal_id": "google-apps|",
  "type": "amperity.orchestration.orchestration/run",
  "principal_email": "",
  "state": "canceled",
  "created_at": "2024-02-10T17:29:22.454Z",
  "tenant": "socktown",

Response parameters

A 200 OK response contains the following parameters.




The date and time at which a workflow task started.


This is the same value as the Started field in the Task Details dialog, which can be opened from the actions menu (  ) for each task in the workflow.

Duration, as shown in the Task Details dialog, is the amount of time that occurred between created_at and ended_at.


A JSON array of values for a workflow error.


An error message is shown for any workflow with a state of Failed. You can view the error message the from the Workflows page.

The JSON array for an error is similar to:

"error": {
  "attribution": "customer",
  "type": "amperity.workflow.task.stitch/table",
  "message": "Found table in an invalid state:\n
              loyalty_members. This error can be\n
              resolved by removing this table\n
              or by loading data to the table.",
  "data": NULL,



The source of the error. May be attributed to customer or platform.

  • customer indicates the source of the error is one (or more) configuration issues within Amperity. These issues can often be resolved by updating the configuration, and then restarting or rerunning the workflow.

  • platform indicates there is an issue with components and/or services that Amperity relies on to process the workflow. These issues are often transient and rerunning the workflow will resolve the error. In some cases, this type of error may require help from Amperity Support.


Additional data that is associated with the error. This parameter may be omitted from the response when the error message does not contain additional data or may return a NULL value.


The error message.


A period-delimited string that indicates where an error occurred.


The date and time at which a workflow task ended.


This is the same value as the Completed field in the Task Details dialog, which can be opened from the actions menu (  ) for each task in the workflow.

Duration, as shown in the Task Details dialog, is the amount of time that occurred between created_at and ended_at.


The unique identifier for the workflow.


This is the same value as the Definition ID field in the Task Details dialog, which can be opened from the actions menu (  ) for each task in the workflow.


The name of the workflow.


This is the same value that is visible from the title of each individual workflow page and from the Name column on the Workflows page.


The cursor value to use in a subsequent request to return the next page of results.


When the value for next_token is empty, the last page in the results set has been returned.


The email address for the user who started the workflow.


A unique identifier for the Amperity user who started the workflow. For example: “google-apps|”.


The name of the Amperity user who started the workflow. For example: “Justin Scott” or “Automated workflow”.


The current state of the task: May be one of the following:

  • Started

  • In progress

  • Stopping

  • Stopped

  • Succeeded


This is the same value that is visible from the Status column on each individual workflow page.


The total count of all results. This property is only returned when with_total is set to true in a request.


Obtaining the total count of all results can be an expensive operation when there is a high number of pages in the results set.


The type of workflow. Most workflows will have workflow types related to the following areas within Amperity:

  • Bridge sync

  • C360 validation

  • Campaign results

  • Campaign send

  • CCPA delete

  • Compact campaign recipients table

  • Courier

  • Courier group

  • Data refresh

  • Database

  • Domain table schema migration

  • File upload

  • Ingest

  • Input validation report update

  • Manual campaign run

  • Manual index run

  • Orchestration

  • Orchestration group

  • Predictive job

  • Record deletion

  • System migration on campaigns recipients table

  • UID2 enrichment

  • Update campaign recipients table


This is the same value that is visible from the Type box on each individual workflow page and from the Type column on the Workflows page.