About the Amperity API¶
The Amperity API enables programmatic access to your Amperity tenant through a collection of RESTful endpoints that support API-first use cases for integrations, applications, and custom workflows. Use Amperity API endpoints to streamline workflows, enhance marketing strategies, and unlock the value of your brand’s customer data.
OpenAPI and Postman
Amperity provides an OpenAPI specification for the Amperity API. Download the OpenAPI specification, and then import it into an API tool, such as Postman, to start interacting with Amperity API endpoints.
Available Endpoints¶

All requests that are made to Amperity API endpoints must be authenticated by access tokens that are signed by Amperity-managed API keys.
Amperity API keys are synthetic identities that are bound to your tenant and enable programmatic access to Amperity.
Access tokens are signed by Amperity-managed API keys and are authorized to perform certain actions with Amperity.
Base URL¶
All requests made to Amperity API endpoints should be directed to the following base URL:
You can find the tenant ID from the Amperity user interface. From the Users and Activity page, select the Actions menu for an API key, and then click Copy tenant ID.
For example, if the tenant ID is acme the base URL would be
Requests made to Amperity API endpoints require the following headers:
Authorization Required. The bearer authentication header. This should be the access token for your tenant’s API key.
Amperity-Tenant Required. The ID for the tenant to which the request will be sent. You can find the tenant ID in the base URL for your tenant.
api-version Required. A supported version of the Amperity API. For example: 2024-04-01.
In addition to all required headers, you must specify the HTTP method, and base URL. For example:
curl -request GET \
-url "https://{tenant-id}.amperity.com/api/{endpoint}/" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${access-token}" \
-H "Amperity-Tenant: {tenant-id}" \
-H "api-version: {version}"
Most endpoints provide a set of endpoint-specific properties that may be included within the URL header.
The Amperity API responds in JSON format. Each response includes relevant HTTP status codes that indicate the success or failure of the request. The individual properties in a response will vary by endpoint; all endpoints that support the GET HTTP method will return lists using pagination.
Amperity uses cursor-based pagination to return pages of data for large lists.
A cursor acts like a pointer; it refers to a particular point in the data and marks the boundary between pages. A paginated endpoint returns responses with a list of results and a next_token parameter when another page is available in the returned dataset.
You have reached the last page in the results set when the next_token parameter is not returned.
Pagination requests¶
All endpoints that support the GET HTTP method use the following properties to support pagination. Use these properties to iterate through a results set.
Parameter |
Description |
limit |
The maximum number of records to include in a single page of results. |
next_token |
An opaque token that is used to paginate results. Omit the next_token property to return the first page. Use the cursor value for next_token that was returned in a response to view the next page of results. For example: ABCd1fghIJk2l3M Note The possible values for next_token are returned within the 200 response. Important The value for next_token cannot be NULL. |
with_total |
Set this value to true to include a total count of all results. Default value: false. Note Obtaining the total count of all results can be an expensive operation when there is a high number of pages in the results set. |
Pagination responses¶
All endpoints that support the GET HTTP method return following properties to support pagination.
Parameter |
Description |
data |
A JSON array of values for the current page of results. |
next_token |
The cursor value to use in a subsequent request to return the next page of results. Note When the value for next_token is empty, the last page in the results set has been returned. |
total |
The total count of all results. This property is only returned when with_total is set to true in a request. Note Obtaining the total count of all results can be an expensive operation when there is a high number of pages in the results set. |