About the Amps dashboard¶
Amps are a normalized unit that measures total consumption across all categories and features within the Amperity platform that are used by your brand.
The number of Amps consumed depends on the actions that are performed and how much data processing was required to support those actions.
You can access the Amps dashboard from the menu that is located in the top-level navigation next to the name of your Amperity tenant.
About Amps consumption¶
Amps consumption is measured across your entire production environment. Running workflows, storing data, and querying data across all environments, including usage within sandboxes, will consume Amps. Amps consumption is assigned to the day on which consumption started.
Consumption categories¶
Amps consumption is tracked in 5 categories—Sources, Stitch, Databases, Analytics, and Activation—and is broken down into 12 feature areas.
Category |
Feature areas |
Sources |
Amperity Bridge Ingest Source tables Source transforms |
Stitch |
Stitch |
Databases |
Databases |
Analytics |
BI Connect Predictive modeling Segmentation (queries and segments) |
Activation |
Campaigns Orchestrations Profile API |
Consumption by feature¶
This section describes each feature in-depth, and what actions you can take to influence your Amps consumption. It includes information on what specifically drives Amps consumption in that area, and areas of the product where you can monitor your tenant’s Amps consumption by feature.
BI Connect¶
Amps consumption for the BI Connect feature is determined by the frequency at which data is sent to BI Connect, is orchestrated from BI Connect, along with the amount of data that is stored in BI Connect.
Work with your Amperity representative to better understand your brand’s Amps consumption rates when using BI Connect.
Amps consumption for the Amperity Bridge feature is determined by:
The volume of data that is synced with Amperity
The amount of time required for each sync
The frequency of syncs
Monitor Amps consumption for the Amperity Bridge feature by:
Reviewing the aggregate number of records ingested from the Usage page
Monitoring sync times from the Workflows page
Verifying the number of times data has been synced from the Workflows page
Amps consumption for the Campaigns feature is determined by:
The frequency at which campaigns are run
The complexity of SQL queries that are used by a campaign
The number of individual segments that are run within each campaign; a campaign starts with a top-level audience, applies exclusions, and then uses additional segments to apply subaudiences by destination and use case; each segment that is run within a campaign will consume Amps
The amount of data being sent from Amperity to a downstream location
The size of the Campaign Recipients table
Monitor Amps consumption for the Campaigns feature by:
Reviewing audience sizes; larger segments take longer to analyze and campaigns that have more subaudiences, criteria, or configured attributes will take longer to run and will consume more Amps
Monitoring workflows that contain recurring campaigns from the Workflows page
Monitoring the frequency and runtime duration for campaigns (including all segments that run as part of that campaign) that are run automatically from the Usage page
Reviewing the customer profiles and records sent from the Usage page
Limiting the number of Amperity IDs that are maintained in the Campaign Recipients table by ensuring that campaigns sent from Amperity are actively used by your brand’s downstream use cases
Amps consumption for the Databases feature is determined by:
The frequency at which a database is run
The number of tables in a database
The length of time it takes to build the database
Calculating extended transactions attributes
The number of custom tables that are used by analytics and marketing activities
Larger compute settings for SQL resources
Monitor Amps consumption for the Databases feature by:
Monitoring the database runtime and run history
Monitoring individual table runtimes and histories
Monitoring record counts over time by table, especially after updates are made to SQL queries
Comparing runtimes over time will help identify tables that contain inefficient or complex SQL; inefficient and complex SQL will consume more Amps at a higher rate than data quantity or data complexity
Amps consumption for the Ingest feature is determined by:
The volume of data that is loaded to Amperity
The frequency at which data is loaded to Amperity
The amount of time it takes to ingest data; time affects Amps consumption more than volume or frequency because large file formats take longer to load than partitioned files of the same size
The use of ingest queries that preprocess data prior to ingest
Monitor Amps consumption for the Ingest feature by:
Monitoring the aggregate number of records ingested from the Usage page
Monitoring ingest runtimes from the Workflows page
Preferring file formats that are partitioned, such as Apache Parquet, over file formats that are not, such as CSV
Using Amperity Bridge to sync large volumes of data instead of loading that same volume as a flat file
Review ingest queries to help ensure they are simple and efficient; complex or inefficient SQL within an ingest query will increase Amps consumption
Configuring courier groups to ingest files only when necessary; for example, some files must be ingested daily, but others might only need to be ingested weekly or monthly
Amps consumption for the Orchestrations feature is determined by:
The frequency at which orchestrations are run
The complexity of SQL queries that are used with each orchestration
The amount of data being sent from Amperity to a downstream location
Monitor Amps consumption for the Orchestrations feature by:
Monitoring workflows that contain queries that are run automatically from the Workflows page
Monitoring the frequency and runtime duration for queries that are run automatically from the Usage page
Predictive modeling¶
Amps consumption for the Predictive modeling feature is determined by:
The frequency at which predictions (including training and inference) are run
The number of courier groups that are associated with predictive modeling
The number of predictive models that are enabled; adding models will increase Amps consumption
The amount of data that is configured and made available to predictive modeling
Amperity trains models every two weeks; Amps consumption for predictive modeling increases during model training.
Monitor Amps consumption for the Predictive modeling feature by:
Monitoring workflows that contain predictive modeling tasks from the Workflows page
Reviewing the record count for tables that are used by predictive modeling
Ensuring that each model has the correct inputs. Use the Predictive models page that is available for each database to review the inputs to each model in your customer 360 database
Review each predictive modeling job, including when the next inference and training jobs will run. Use the Predictive models page to access individual jobs for each predictive model that is enabled in your tenant
Profile API¶
Amps consumption for the Profile API feature is determined by:
The number of individual Profile API indexes that are enabled in your tenant; each index is made available as an endpoint that is always available to downstream workflows that make API requests to that endpoint
The frequency at which each Profile API index is refreshed
The width of each Profile API index (where width refers to the number of columns, or response parameters, that are available in the index; wider indexes consume more Amps)
The number of indexes that are refreshed automatically by a courier group
Monitor Amps consumption for the Profile API feature by:
Ensuring that your tenant generates Profile API indexes that are necessary to support your downstream workflows, including not only the number of indexes, but also including the amount data that is made available from each index; Amps consumption is affected by the length of time it takes to run the query to generate the index and also the number of fields that are added to the index. Complex queries will consume more Amps; queries that return large numbers of columns and/or rows will consume more Amps
Monitoring the history of Profile API index refreshes from the Workflows page
Amps consumption for the Segmentation feature is determined by:
The frequency at which automated or ad hoc data analysis is performed for segments and queries
The total daily runtime for all query and segment calculations
Complex SQL in queries may cause longer runtimes
Using Spark SQL to run queries (more expensive) instead of Presto SQL (less expensive)
Larger compute settings for SQL resources
Monitor Amps consumption for the Segmentation feature by:
Monitoring the number of queries and segments that are run from the Usage page
Reviewing the duration of the query and segment runtimes
Verifying the amount of data scanned by a query or segment
Knowing which queries and segments are run automatically; this information is available from the courier group configuration in the Sources page, where segments are run when they are required by a recurring campaign and queries are run when they are required by an orchestration or orchestration group
Source tables¶
Amps consumption for the Source tables feature is determined by:
The amount of data stored in source tables and the outputs of source transforms
The number if fields in source tables
The density of records in source tables
Monitor Amps consumption for the Source tables feature by:
Monitoring the total number of records from the Sources page
Reviewing the number of records that are ingested per day from the Usage page
Source transforms¶
Amps consumption for the Source transforms feature is determined by:
The frequency at which source transforms are run
The volume of data that is processed for source transforms
Complex SQL in source transforms may cause longer runtimes
Changes to source transform runtimes often cause variable Amps consumption
Larger compute resources
Source transforms were previously referred to as “custom domain tables”.
Monitor Amps consumption for the Source transforms feature by:
Monitoring the history of runtime durations for source transforms from the Workflows page
Count the number of source transforms that are run from the Workflows page
Using version history to monitor changes to SQL queries for source transforms
Amps consumption for the Stitch feature is determined by:
Adding more inputs to Stitch, such as additional data sources that contain customer profile data, can increase Amps consumption. This is highly dependent on the types of records that are made available to Stitch. Sparse records with low connectivity will consume fewer Amps. Rich records with high connectivity will consume more Amps
Poorly configured foreign keys (FKs) can lead to higher frequencies of interconnected records, which may increase the duration of the Stitch run
Bad values that are not added to the bad-values blocklist may increase the duration of the Stitch run
Larger compute resources
Monitor Amps consumption for the Stitch feature by:
Monitoring the duration of Stitch runs from the Workflows page
Viewing the number of profiles that are stitched over time from the Usage page
Example of Amps consumption¶
A customer that uses Amperity for ID resolution and activation would require using the following features: Ingest, Sources, Stitch, Databases, Segments, and Campaigns.
The consumption of Amps depends on implementation details and the complexity of use cases. The following table details a scenario where Amps are consumed at a rate of 3000 per day.
Feature |
Description |
Ingest |
Compute setting: X-small Frequency: Once per day Runtime: 3 minutes Records: 100 thousand Other factors: 1 feed Cost: 20 Amps |
Sources |
Records: 400 million Number of tables: 97 Runtime: 3 minutes Average field count: 32 Cost: 10 Amps |
Stitch |
Compute setting: Medium Frequency: Once per day Runtime: 19 minutes Records: 25 million Cost: 2700 Amps |
Databases |
Compute setting: Small Frequency: Once per day Runtime: 13 minutes Records: 5 billion Other factors: 11 customer 360 attributes Cost: 450 Amps |
Campaigns |
Frequency: 37 per day Average runtime: 11 minutes Cost: 277 Amps |
Review Amps consumption¶
At a high level Amps measure the amount of compute resources that are used within the Amperity platform, such as running workflows, storing data, or segmentation, along with the amount of storage that is required to support those compute resources.
For example:
The amount of data that is processed.
The amount of data that is stored.
The complexity of operations, such as complex SQL join operations, and the memory that is required to complete those operations.
The amount of time it takes to run a workflow.
The size of the compute resources that are available in your tenant.
The number of sandboxes that are in use.
Amps and compute¶
Some features consume more Amps than others. Compute-intensive features, such as running Spark SQL and Presto SQL queries, processing data, and algorithims, such as Stitch or predictive models, will consume Amps at a higher rate. Compute includes actions like loading data, querying data, running databases, refreshing predictive models, and running Stitch. Consumption of Amps based on compute depends on the features that are in use, the frequency at which they are run, and the amount of time it takes for the process to finish. Compute consumption can vary from day to day.
The following features have configurable compute settings: ingest, source transforms, Stitch, Stitch reports, databases, and Spark SQL queries. Your brand can explicitly set the compute sizes for these tasks in your workflows. Changes to compute settings will affect Amps consumption. Contact your Amperity representative with questions around how to best configure compute resource sizing within your tenant.
Amps and storage¶
The rate at which source tables consume Amps is a combination of how much data is being loaded to Amperity and the file type for that data. For example, a large CSV file consumes more Amps than an Apache Parquet file when both tables contain similar record counts.
More data—more rows, more fields, more complete data—will drive Amps consumption. Source tables that are transformed in Amperity prior to Stitch will consume Amps based on the complexity of Spark SQL that is used to perform the transformation.
Storage is typically stable after the implementation period has completed. Storage (by itself) typically consumes Amps at a lower rate when compared to running workflows and processing data.
Deleting source tables will lead to lower Amps consumption. Amperity maintains a short buffer period to ensure data can be restored, should it need to be, after which the lower Amps consumption will show in the dashboard.
A sandbox is a replica of your production environment. It starts as an exact duplicate of the configuration of your production tenant at the time it is created. It starts with access to the same data that is stored in your production tenant. If new data is ingested into the sandbox, added storage will increase your Amps consumption.
Consumption dashboard¶
The Amps consumption dashboard shows your brand’s total Amps consumption across configurable time periods along with a breakdown of Amps consumption by category and by feature.
Contract summary¶
The Contract summary shows the quantity of Amps your brand has consumed and the quantity of Amps that remain within your brand’s current contract period. Amps consumption is shown with two milestones:
Your current contract end date, along with the projected Amps consumption rate on that date.
A projection of when 100% of your brand’s Amps limit will be reached based on current consumption rates.
Consumption breakdown¶
The Consumption breakdown section shows Amps consumption by category and by feature. You can filter by time period, view Amps at daily, weekly, or monthly scales, and filter by production tenant or by sandbox.
The Consumption breakdown can be filtered by date range, by tenant type, shown daily, weekly, or monthly.

Each option is set independently:
Use the Date range dropdown to select one of the following values: Last 2 weeks, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Year to date, Current contract period, or Lifetime.
Use the Granularity field to set the granularity of the charts shown for Amps consumption. Choose one of Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Use the Tenant dropdown to view Amps for all tenants, only your production tenant, or only sandboxes. Choose one of All, Production, or Sandbox.
For example, set the date range to “Last 90 days”, and then choose “weekly” and “sandboxes” to view Amps consumption for all sandboxes during the last 90 days, with consumption shown by week.
Default view¶
The default view shows total Amps, including your production tenant and all sandboxes. Filters are applied to all categories and features within the Consumption breakdown section.

By category¶
Consumption breakdown by category shows which category—Sources, Stitch, Databases, Analytics, or Activation—has changed the most between the current and previous time periods, along with the distribution of Amps consumption within the current time period.

By feature¶
Consumption breakdown by category shows which feature—BI Connect, Bridge, Campaigns, Databases, Ingest, Orchestrations, Predictive modeling, Profile API, Segmentation, Source Tables, Source Transforms, or Stitch—has changed the most between the current and previous time periods, along with the distribution of Amps consumption within the current time period.

Reduce Amps consumption¶
You should review your Amps consumption on a regular basis to ensure that your brand is getting the most value out of Amperity to support all of your brand’s use cases.
By category¶
The following sections describe approaches your brand can take to help optimize your Amps consumption by category: Sources, Stitch, Databases, Analytics, and Activation.
To reduce Amps consumption for the Sources category:
Use Amperity Bridge to sync data to Amperity. A sync is more efficient and typically consumes Amps at a lower rate than loading files. Amperity Bridge connects to your Lakehouse quickly and efficiently.
Partitioned CSV files, when available, can be ingested in parallel, running more quickly than non-partitioned CSV files. Modern file format, such as Apache Parquet, can be processed even more quickly.
Ingesting data incrementally is faster than ingesting full historical data.
Removing unused source tables. The amount of data that is stored will consume Amps. While storage costs do not typically lead to high Amps consumption, deleting unused source tables can help reduce Amps consumption.
Amperity maintains a short buffer period to ensure data can be restored, should it need to be. After deleting unused source tables lower Amps consumption will show in the dashboard after the buffer period has been passed.
Source transforms (previously referred to as “custom domain tables”) can be difficult to optimize depending on the use case. If your tenant is having trouble optimizing SQL queries that belong to the Sources category, please ask your Amperity representatitve for assistance.
To reduce Amps consumption for the Stitch category:
Review all of the foreign keys (FKs) that are applied to all source tables that are made available to Stitch. Poorly configured foreign keys (FKs) can lead to higher frequencies of interconnected records, which may increase the duration of the Stitch run and lead to higher Amps consumption
As your brand adds more records Amps consumption will change. More complete records typically consume more Amps than sparse records. Depending on the type of data added, it may be helpful to adjust the compute resourcing. Please ask your Amperity representatitve for assistance with adjusting compute resourcing for the Stitch category.
To reduce Amps consumption for the Databases category:
More complex SQL, including broadcast JOIN operations, will consume more Amps because they take longer.
Review database run history to understand how table runtimes change over time. Compare the run history to record count changes and to changes to the SQL that runs custom tables to help understand how Amps consumption is affected over time.
Databases run on Apache Spark and use Spark SQL. Databases that run slowly may have inefficient compute settings. Please ask your Amperity representatitve for assistance with adjusting compute resourcing for the Databases category.
To reduce Amps consumption for the Analytics category:
Predictive modeling can have a high Amps consumption rate, especially on days where the models are being trained against your customer data profiles. Please ask your Amperity representatitve for assistance with adjusting compute resourcing for predictive modeling.
To reduce Amps consumption for the Activation category:
Review the requirements for each destination to which Amperity is configured to send data. The length of time required to send data to a destination consumes Amps. Certain connectors, such as Attentive and Google Ads, take longer than others.
Adjust compute settings¶
Compute settings control the amount of compute resources, such as CPU and memory, that are available to a category. Increasing compute resource sizes will increase the rate at which Amps are consumed per hour. This rate will vary by feature and may be affected by other configurations within your tenant. Please ask Amperity Support for assistance with questions before adjusting compute resources.
You can adjust the compute settings for your tenant for the following categories:
Source transforms
Stitch reports
Spark SQL engine
Compute settings for each category may be adjusted to one of XS (smallest), S, M, L, XL, and XXL (largest). Open the Compute settings page from the Amperity menu (next to your tenant’s brand logo), use the sliders to adjust the compute resource size, and then click Save
The compute resources for the Ingest category cannot be adjusted because ingest dynamically scales to the type and amount of data that is being pulled into the Amperity platform.
Fine-tuning compute resource sizes is a balance between efficiency and cost. For example, increasing compute resources might speed up a job while consuming Amps at the same rate. If the efficiency of compute resources is low, perhaps caused by inefficient SQL operations, increasing compute resources may increase Amps consumption significantly. All changes to compute resources should be made in a sandbox and fully tested before promoting them to your production tenant.
Only a Datagrid Administrator can modify compute resource sizes. Please ask your Amperity representatitve for assistance for any questions around adjusting compute resources.