Predicted lifecycle status

Predicted lifecycle status represents the likelihood to purchase again, grouped by tiers: “active”, “cooling down”, “at risk”, “highly at risk”, and “lost”. These tiers are used for two types of customers: repeat customers and one-time buyers.

Repeat customers

For repeat customers, lifecycle status groupings use the following thresholds:

  1. A repeat customer with an “active” lifecycle status has a greater than 60% likelihood to purchase again.

  2. A repeat customer with a “cooling down” lifecycle status has a 50-60% likelihood to purchase again.

  3. A repeat customer with an “at risk” lifecycle status has a 35-50% likelihood to purchase again.

  4. A repeat customer with a “highly at risk” lifecycle status has a 20-35% likelihood to purchase again.

  5. A repeat customer with a “lost” lifecycle status has a less than 20% likelihood to purchase again.

One-time buyers

For one-time buyers, lifecycle status groupings use the following thresholds:

  1. A one-time buyer with an “active” lifecycle status made a purchase within the last 60 days.

  2. A one-time buyer with a “cooling down” lifecycle status made a purchase 60-120 days ago.

  3. A one-time buyer with an “at risk” lifecycle status made a purchase 120-180 days ago.

  4. A one-time buyer with a “highly at risk” lifecycle status made a purchase 180-240 days ago.

  5. A one-time buyer with a “lost” lifecycle status made a purchase more than 240 days ago.

Use in segments

To find predicted lifecycle status, start with the Predicted Customer Lifecycle Status attribute in the Predicted CLV Attributes table, and then select the is in list condition. After the attribute appears in your segment, set the list values to include all of the thresholds you want to use in your segment. For example, choose the is in list attribute, and then set predicted lifecycle status to Active, At risk, and Cooling down.


Predicted lifecycle status is available when predictive modeling is enabled for your tenant.

Available operators

The following table lists the operators that are available to this attribute.


This attribute has a String data type. All String data types share the same set of operators. Recommended operators for this attribute are identified with “ More useful” and operators with more limited use cases are identified with “ Less useful”.




More useful

Returns customer records with values that match a string of characters.

does not contain

Returns customer records with values that do not match a string of characters.

ends with

Returns customer records with values that end with the specified characters.

is empty

Returns customer records that do not have a value in this field.

is exactly

More useful

Returns all customer records with values that match the specified characters.

For example, “Active” will return “active” and not “cooling down”, “at risk”, “highly at risk” or “lost”.

is not empty

Returns customer records that have a value in this field.

is not exactly

Returns customer records that do not match the specified characters.

starts with

Returns customer records that start with the specified characters.