About campaigns

Use the Campaigns page to build the audiences to which you want to send messages or offers. Configure the campaign to send those audiences to downstream marketing tools, such as email service providers, SMS providers, paid media, digital advertising, personalization, and more.

About the Campaigns page

The Campaigns page enables the use of segments to define audiences that can be sent to any downstream marketing workflow.

The Campaigns page.

Use the Campaigns page to activate a variety of use cases across your marketing stack. For example:

  • Viewing your recently edited campaigns

  • Messaging a group of high customer lifetime value (CLV) customers on Facebook for a VIP event

  • Emailing customers with an affinity toward blue button down shirts for a product liquidation

  • Targeting a segment of customers who are more likely to add a visit to the hotel spa

  • Messaging a group of customers likely to churn without a special offer

  • Showing an ad to re-engage customers who have unsubscribed from email

  • Reaching out to customers that have enrolled in your loyalty program

  • Identifying customers within existing lists, and then pushing targeted subsets for downstream messaging to any channel

  • Using a control group, along with any number of treatment groups, to measure the quality of a campaign

How campaigns work

A campaign is defined in the Campaigns page, from which you configure the audience and sub-audiences that will be associated with the campaign, the downstream locations to which the campaign will be sent, and the time at which the campaign is to begin.

The Campaigns Editor is accessed from the Campaigns page in Amperity.

Follow this sequence when building a campaign:

Step 1.

The campaign builder is available from the Campaigns page. The Create Campaign button in the top right corner of the page opens the campaign builder.

Give your campaign a name.

After the campaign builder opens, give your campaign a name.


Use good naming patterns to ensure that you can always find your campaigns in the various applications to which you will send them. The campaign name will always appear in the filename that is sent to any destination.

Avoid duplication between campaign and treatment group names.

Avoid using the names of destinations as campaign names unless the campaign is sent to only that destination.

Use a naming pattern that ensures the campaign name works across every treatment group that is configured within any sub-audience.

If brand names and/or region names apply to all sub-audiences in the campaign, consider using them within the campaign name.

Some examples:

  • “Birthdays_Under_40”

  • “Acme_Churn”

  • “Churn_HighValue_Early”

  • “Socktown_High_AOV”

Step 2.

All campaigns start with an audience. Choose a segment from the Include drop-down list. The customers in that list will become the audience for this campaign.

Choose one (or more) segments to form the audience for this campaign.


When a campaign starts with an audience that is defined by a single segment, you can use the segment insights for that segment as a way to measure the performance of that audience over time.

Step 3.

Sometimes campaigns need to exclude certain members of your audience. For example, a churn prevention campaign is often configured to exclude customers who have opted-out of SMS messaging and/or who have unsubscribed from an email list.

When you need to exclude audience members, choose one (or more) segments from the Exclude drop-down list. The customers in an exclusion list will be removed from the audience for this campaign.

Choose one (or more) segments to exclude customers from this campaign.
Step 4.

Some campaigns have just one audience, while others require sub-audiences.

Sub-audiences can be many things. How you choose to configure them is dependent on your audience, marketing strategy and goals, and the type of campaign you will run.

This topic uses sub-audiences to split the combined high-value audience into more specific audiences by lifecycle status.

Click Add sub-audience to open the Audience Builder, find the Predicted CLV Attributes table, choose the Predicted Lifecycle Status attribute, and then select “Active”.

Choose the "Active" lifecycle status.

Then update the name of the treatment group. In this example, it’s “Active_Socks”. This is part of the filename that you will see in the application to which you send this sub-audience. For example: “Churn_HighValue_Early_Active_Socks”.

A sub-audience for customers with an active lifecycle status.

Assign one (or more) destinations to this treatment group, and then edit the attributes to ensure Amperity is sending the right data.


Use good naming patterns to ensure that you can always find your campaigns in the various applications to which you will send them. The campaign name will always appear in the filename that is sent to any destination and the treatment group name is often appended. Use a naming pattern that allows the treatment group name to build on the campaign name.

Avoid duplication between campaign and treatment group names.

Avoid using the names of destinations as treatment group names unless the treatment group is sent to only that destination.

If brand names and/or region names are specific to sub-audiences, consider using the brand names within the treatment group names.

Add details like “historical”, “daily”, or “test” as appropriate. Be sure to include the region name if you have multiple regions.

Some examples:

  • “CA”, “NY”, “WA”

  • “Region_Daily”

  • “Active”, “CoolingDown”, or “AtRisk”

  • “90D_Loyalty”

The campaign and treatment group names are concatenated, typically as {{ campaign_name }}_{{ recipient_group_name }}. The campaign and treatment group names become part of the filename that will be visible to users in the application to which you send this treatment group.

Step 5.

The second sub-audience is similar to the first one, but instead choose the “Cooling down” value from Predicted Lifecycle Status.

Choose the "cooling down" lifecycle status.

Then update the name of the treatment group. In this example, it’s “CoolingDown_Socks”. This is part of the filename that you will see in the application to which you send this sub-audience. For example: “Churn_HighValue_Early_CoolingDown_Socks”.

A sub-audience for customers with a cooling down lifecycle status.
Step 6.

The third sub-audience is similar to the previous two, but instead choose the “At risk” value from Predicted Lifecycle Status.

Choose the "At risk" lifecycle status.

Then update the name of the treatment group. In this example, it’s “AtRisk_Socks”. This is part of the filename that you will see in the application to which you send this sub-audience. For example: “Churn_HighValue_Early_AtRisk_Socks”.

A sub-audience for customers with an at risk lifecycle status.
Step 7.

A campaign can be configured to be sent once or on a recurring basis. A campaign can also be scheduled (i.e. “to be sent at the time you choose in the future”) or to be sent as soon as possible.

Give your campaign a name.
Step 8.

Enter the date on which you plan to launch your campaign. This date helps Amperity improve results tracking and campaign results measurement.

Configure the schedule and timing for your campaign.
Step 9.

When your campaign is ready, click the Schedule button in the top right corner of the Campaigns page.

Campaign types

Amperity supports the following types of campaign workflows:

One-time campaigns

A one-time campaign represents a specific campaign message that is configured to be sent only once.

A one-time campaign can be configured to run in a similar manner as a recurring campaign, but with the purpose being to communicate messages to customers they should see only once. For example:

  • A welcome message to a customer who has joined a loyalty program.

  • A message to a customer who has signed up for a credit card.

Recurring campaigns

A recurring campaign is sent automatically based on an updated/refreshed audience that a customer wants to receive in their outbound destination or a state change, such as an accepted return, a change to a loyalty program, or an alert based on credit card status, with a predefined campaign message and cadence to a list of recipients.

A recurring campaign has the following components:

  1. A state change that initiates a campaign message.

  2. A segment that defines a list of customers to which the campaign message applies. This segment can be configured to limit the list to certain types of users, such as only business travelers, high-value customers, and so on.

  3. A launch cadence that defines the frequency–daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly–at which the campaign messages are run.

Multichannel campaigns

A multichannel marketing campaign blends marketing strategies across channels (i.e. email, SMS, paid media, etc.) to provide customers a personalized experience, but with consistent messages, offers, and products across all channels.

A multichannel campaign defines combinations of sub-audiences and channels to define unique sets strategies, with each applied to a sub-audience.

A multichannel campaign has the following components:

  1. A state change that initiates a campaign message.

  2. A segment that defines the audience to which the multichannel campaign messages will be applied. This segment can be configured to limit the list to certain types of users, such as only business travelers, high-value customers, and so on.

  3. The use of sub-audiences to partition the audience into a variety of campaign channels. Each sub-audience may be configured to have its own control group.

  4. A launch cadence that defines the frequency–daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly–at which the campaign messages are run.

Campaign features

Campaigns have the following features:


For many destinations for customer activation, you may configure the list of attributes (i.e. first name, last name, state, etc.) that are sent for each sub-audience. Click the Edit attributes link to open the list of attributes that are available for each destination defined for the audience. Use the drop-down menu to select the destination if there is more than one.


Some destinations only support sending specific attributes. Review the requirements for each destination to ensure that you don’t attach unsupported attributes to the campaigns that you send.

You may append attributes that are available in any database table. Click the + Add attribute link, and then name the attribute, specify from which table that attribute is sourced, and then specify the name of that attribute as it is defined in that table.


All campaigns start with an audience. Choose a segment from the Include drop-down list. The customers in that list will become the audience for this campaign.

Choose one (or more) segments to form the audience for this campaign.


When a campaign starts with an audience that is defined by a single segment, you can use the segment insights for that segment as a way to measure the performance of that audience over time.

Control groups

A control group is the percentage of an audience who will not receive communications related to a marketing campaign. Use control groups to establish a baseline against which you can measure the success of a campaign over time.


A control group is a completely randomized sample of customers that is pulled from the original audience.

A campaign typically has a single control group, unless sub-audiences are defined within the campaign. Each sub-audience may contain a control group.

Does a control group have consistent audience membership?

Amperity attempts to maintain (but does not guarantee) consistent audience membership for control groups that are associated with recurring campaigns.

  • When the audience size is unchanged across the campaigns that you send, the membership of the control group will be unchanged.

  • When the audience size changes, the size of the control group also changes. Amperity IDs are added to the control group when the audience size gets bigger and are removed when the audience size gets smaller.

Audience members that are added to a control group may have belonged to a treatment group on the previous send.

Audience members that are removed from the control group will belong to a treatment group on the next send.

For example: A campaign is built using one segment, one control group, and one treatment group. The audience is refreshed weekly and contains a mostly static group of customers, but with small fluctuations in audience size.

  1. Today the size of the audience for the segment is 1200 customers and the size of the control group is 20 percent, or 240 customers. The campaign is sent to 960 customers.

  2. Next week the size of the audience is 1240, which means the size of the control group will be larger (248). The campaign is sent to 992 customers.

  3. And the following week the size of the audience is 1160, which means the size of the control group will be smaller (232). The campaign is sent to 928 customers.


Destinations are the locations to which you will send the lists of customers that are associated with each treatment group within a sub-audience. You may send these lists to any destination that is configured for your tenant. You may send the same list to multiple destinations.

Step 1.

This topic describes adding destinations to your campaign. This is done from within the campaign builder for each treatment group that is part of a sub-audience. You can assign more than one destination to each treatment group.

The following sections show adding destinations for each of the “active”, “cooling down”, and “at risk” sub-audiences within the campaign.

Step 2.

A specific set of journeys and messaging creatives are built out and are tailored for customers who fall into the “active” lifecycle status. “Active” customers will be sent to the following channels:

  • Klaviyo, for email campaigns

  • Attentive, for mobile messaging campaigns

  • Criteo, for online display advertising

Click the Destinations column, and then select a destination from the list.

Select one or more destinations for each treatment group.

Do this for each destination to which you want to send this treatment group.

Destinations for customers with an active lifecycle status.
Step 3.

“Cooling down” customers are sent to the same channels as “active” customers, but journeys and messaging creatives will be tailored to the “cooling down” lifecycle status.

Click the Destinations column, and then select a destination from the list. Do this for each destination to which you want to send this treatment group.

Destinations for customers with a cooling down lifecycle status.
Step 4.

“At risk” high-value customers are sent to the same channels as “active” and “cooling down” customers and also to TikTok and Facebook. Journeys and messaging creatives will be tailored to the “at risk” lifecycle status, along with new channels for display advertising creatives that are tailored to customers who fall into the “at risk” lifecycle status.

Click the Destinations column, and then select a destination from the list. Do this for each destination to which you want to send this treatment group.

Destinations for customers with an at risk lifecycle status.
Step 5.

Each sub-audience that is configured for your campaign will have at least one destination associated with it. For each destination that is configured you must specify the set of attributes that will be sent from Amperity to that destination.

Click the Edit Attributes link to open the attributes editor. From the drop-down select each of the destinations that has been configured for this sub-audience, and then select which attributes will be sent to that destination.

For example, if you are sending a treatment group to Attentive to support an SMS-based marketing campaign, you will need to send a list of phone numbers from Amperity to Attentive.

Send a phone number OR an email address to Attentive, but not both.

Enable the checkbox next to the phone attribute, and then leave the rest of the settings as they are. Why are both email and phone optional? Attentive requires that you send only one of those values and the value that you should select is the one that your organization is using within Attentive to build customer journeys and support your marketing campaigns.


You should use the Merged Customers table for sending customer PII data from Amperity. The Merged Customers table is your best source table and contains the most accurate set of customer PII. Your Customer 360 table is built from the Merged Customers table.

Step 6.

The attributes that are available from the Edit Attributes window will vary, depending on the destination. Some destinations have strict naming requirements. Some destinations only allow specific fields to be sent. Some destinations allow only one or two attributes, whereas others have few restrictions.

For example:

  • Attentive Mobile requires a phone number or an email address. The one you choose should match how you have configured your instance of Attentive.

  • Klaviyo requires an email address, but can be configured to allow additional customer profile data, such as birthdays, favorite colors, and so on.

  • Criteo requires an email address and does not accept any other attributes.

  • TikTok Ads requires an email address and a phone number and will accept advertising IDs for Apple and Android.

  • Facebook Ads requires mapping fields in your customer 360 database to field in Facebook and applying a strict naming convention.

  • Cloud-based storage – Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure – and/or SFTP often have no restrictions.


    Workflows often use cloud-based storage and/or SFTP as a staging location before uploading that data to another application. That application may have specific requirements for which attributes are required. You will need to ensure that the list of attributes for those use cases are configured correctly within the campaigns builder.

Exclusion lists

An exclusion list identifies customers who should not receive communications related to a campaign.

Sometimes campaigns need to exclude certain members of your audience. For example, a churn prevention campaign is often configured to exclude customers who have opted-out of SMS messaging and/or who have unsubscribed from an email list.

When you need to exclude audience members, choose one (or more) segments from the Exclude drop-down list. The customers in an exclusion list will be removed from the audience for this campaign.


When you select multiple exclusion lists, audience members will be excluded when they belong to either list. This is the same behavior as when the OR operator is used in SQL. “Exclude customers from this audience when they belong to segment A OR segment B.”

Choose one (or more) segments to exclude customers from this campaign.

Treatment groups

A treatment group is the percentage of an audience who will receive communications related to a marketing campaign. A campaign may have more than one treatment group.

You may configure more than one treatment group for each audience and sub-audience within a campaign.


A sub-audience is a list of customers who will receive a specific type of communication related to a marketing campaign.

A sub-audience enables you to measure the performance of individual communications in a campaign. A sub-audience could represent a set of users for which you have a better understanding of their marketing preferences and you would like to send them specific messaging as part of a larger campaign. For example, you can see how the jackets sub-audience marketing email performed as compared to the t-shirts sub-audience marketing email within the same campaign. Additionally, each sub-audience can be configured to use its own control and treatment groups, providing even greater control and flexibility.

A sub-audience may define users by brand, most commonly purchased sub-brand, product affinity, product category, product type, demographics, etc.


The limit for number of sub-audiences per campaign is 60.

Timing and launch dates

A campaign can be configured to be sent once or on a recurring basis. A campaign can also be scheduled (i.e. “to be sent at the time you choose in the future”) or to be sent as soon as possible.

Give your campaign a name.

Enter the date on which you plan to launch your campaign. This date helps Amperity improve results tracking and campaign results measurement.

Give your campaign a name.

Download recipients

The download recipients feature allows you to download and see your recipients list. This option provides you with the ability to see details about your recipients, including the Amperity ID and the Treatment ID.


Downloaded files can enable ad hoc workflows in any downstream tool that supports directly uploading and/or using CSV files. For example, marketing applications like Airship , Attentive , Bluecore , Braze , Facebook Ads , Iterable , Pinterest, Reddit Ads, and SendGrid all support directly uploading CSV files. Downloaded CSV files can be opened directly in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Default attributes

Default attributes are configured from the Campaigns page. Each destination may be configured to send a list of attributes that your brand can use with a variety of downstream workflows, such as audience matching, customer activation, paid media workflows, or measuring campaign results using offline events.


For many downstream marketing applications the names of attributes are not arbitrary. There are often specific requirements for names of attributes and the data that may be associated with each attribute.

For example, the name of the field for an email address attribute may be case-sensitive, such as “email”, “Email” or “EMAIL”. Many downstream marketing applications require email addresses to be converted to a SHA-256 hashed value.

Review the documentation for individual destinations to verify if additional non-default attributes may be configured, and then sent alongside the default attributes.

Step 1.

Default attributes for each destination are configured from the Campaigns page. Click the Campaign settings link next to the Create campaign button to open the editor from which you can configure default attributes.

Configure default attributes for destinations.
Step 2.

Choose the Default attributes tab, and then from the Database drop-down, select the database that contains the attributes that your brand sends to downstream workflows.

Then from the Destinations drop-down, choose the destination for which default attributes will be configured.

Step 3.

After you have selected a database and a destination, a list of attributes is shown. For example, the list of attributes that may be sent to Meta Ads Manager:

The list of default attributes for a destination.


A destination can have very specific requirements for the names of fields and the values each field may contain.

For example, some destinations:

  • Only accept email addresses (or SHA-256 hashed email addresses).

  • Require email addresses, but also accept a larger set of optional attributes.

  • Require attributes to be mapped to specific naming patterns, such as “email”, “Email” or “EMAIL” before they can be accepted.

For destinations that use an API, Amperity pre-configures the list of attributes that are required and/or are optional. Review the Amperity documentation for each destination to understand which attributes may be configured.

For destinations that accept files—SFTP, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage—your brand should verify the requirements for the downstream system to which data will be sent before configuring default attributes.

Step 4.

When default attributes are ready, click the Save button in the lower right corner of the Default attributes page.


Be sure to verify the names of the fields and the values that appear within each field in the downstream system. This will ensure that Amperity is sending the right data and can support your brand’s use cases.

Email notifications

Email notifications will alert you when there is an issue with campaign delivery. For example, email notifications are sent when Facebook Ads is missing an external identifier or two-factor authorization is not enabled for Google Ads.

Email notifications will describe the issue and the steps that are required to resolve the issue, and will provide a link to the Workflows page in Amperity.

Campaign results

The campaign results feature allows you to download and see your one-time or recurring campaign results data. This option provides you with the ability to explore campaign results data and measure performance in more detail.

Configure campaign results.

Use this feature to define a performance measurement time period and then analyze these results for all sub-audience test groups across every single campaign data point. This includes the following data points:

  • Revenue metrics

  • Conversion rates

  • Order characteristics

  • Incremental lift


Amperity tracks the purchases of your customers in the audiences lists. The purchase information is based on purchasing behavior across channels.

If you make any changes to this information downstream (i.e. launching a campaign on a different date then the one you entered into Amperity) they will not be reflected in Amperity.

Campaign results columns

You can finds details about the columns found in the campaign results download file in the table below.

Column name

Data type


Average Order Value


The average dollar value per order made by purchasers during the campaign measurement period.


This metric is calculated by total revenue divided by the recipients count for the specific treatment group/sub-audiences.

Average Unit Revenue


The average revenue per item purchased during the campaign measurement period.


This is calculated as the total revenue divided by the total items.

Campaign Name


The name the customer gives the campaign.

Conversion Rate


The percentage of unique customers (associated with Amperity IDs) who performed a desired outcome (transaction or other events) during the campaign measurement period.


This metric indicates the rate of recipients converted to make a purchase as a result of the campaign.

Conversion Rate Lift (Over Control)


The percentage difference in conversion rate by the recipients group relative to the control group.


This is calculated as the difference in the incremental conversion rate divided by the total control recipients.

Delivery Date


The delivery date on which campaign treatment groups/sub-audiences were sent out of Amperity.

Incremental Conversion Rate (Over Control)


Additional percentage of recipients converted in the treatment group relative to the control group during the campaign measurement period.


This column will appear as null if there is no control group.

Incremental Revenue (Over Control)


Additional revenue generated measured by the difference between total test revenue recipient and total control revenue per recipient and then multiply that by test recipients.


This column will appear as null if there is no control group.

Incremental Revenue Per Recipient (Over Control)


Additional revenue per recipient in the treatment group relative to the control audience during the campaign measurement period.


This column will appear as null if there is no control group.

Is Control


Indicates whether the treatment group is a control group.

Items Per Order


The average number of items per order purchased during the campaign measurement period.

Measurement End Date


The end of the campaign measurement period, plus the number of days selected prior to that date. The date prior to all preceding transactions and events associated with outcomes of this campaign.


By default, this end date is 7 days preceding the selected measurement start date.

Measurement Start Date


The start of the campaign measurement period. The date following all transactions and events associated with the outcomes of this campaign.


By default, this is the launch date selected for the campaign in Amperity, but can be changed when downloaded.

Orders Per Purchaser


The average number of orders per purchaser.


This is calculated by total orders divided by the purchaser count.

Purchaser Count


The number of unique customers (associated with Amperity IDs) in the recipients group/sub-audience who made a purchase during the campaign measurement period.

Recipient Count


The total number of unique customers (associated with Amperity IDs) included in the treatment group/sub-audience.

Revenue Per Recipient


The amount of revenue per recipient in a campaign.


This metric is calculated by total revenue divided by the recipients count for the specific treatment group/sub-audiences.

Revenue Per Recipient Lift (Over Control)


The percentage difference in revenue per recipient by the treatment group relative to the control group.


This is calculated as the difference in the incremental revenue per recipient divided by the total control recipients.

Standard Deviation Revenue


The standard deviation (measure of variance) of revenue for each recipient in the treatment group/sub-audience who have received the campaign (associated with Amperity IDs).

Sub-audience Name


The name the customer gives the sub-audience.

Total Items


The total quantity of items ordered by unique customers (associated with Amperity IDs) in the recipients group/sub-audience during the campaign measurement period.

Total Orders


The total number of purchase orders made by unique customers (associated with Amperity IDs) in the recipients group/sub-audience during the campaign measurement period.

Total Revenue


The total revenue associated with Amperity IDs in the treatment group/sub-audience, during the campaign measurement period.


By default, the order_revenue field in the Unified Transactions table is calculated as gross revenue and the gross sales details are provided in the campaign results download file.

Treatment ID


The numerical identifier Amperity assigns to the treatment group.

Treatment Name


The name the customer gives the treatment group.

Use cases

You can use campaign results to determine how to successfully reach out to their customers for the following reasons:

  • If your campaign message was effective at converting customers

  • Whether one offer or treatment worked better at converting customers (i.e. A/B testing)

  • If a campaign drove incremental value (i.e. via a control group holdout)

Driving a campaign

Once you have determined which channel to use for your campaign, you need to determine which is the most effective way to approach a campaign. For instance, if a you decide to send out an email campaign to your customers, you will need to decide which type of email will be most effective. Does the email with the 10% offer bring in more customer orders or does the $10 off email offer give customers more incentive to make a purchase?

Amperity’s approach

Amperity creates a 360-degree view of your customers, which includes a complete transaction history. This process uses a stable identifier – the Amperity ID – to track customers even when their path to a purchase is non-linear.

An Amperity ID is a patented unique identifier that is assigned to clusters of customer records. A single Amperity ID represents a single individual. Unlike other systems, the Amperity ID is reassessed every day for the most comprehensive view of your customers.

Amperity provides marketers with the following capabilities which gives them a 360 view of their customer’s behavior:

  • Compares more than one set of marketing data – via the Amperity ID – to determine whether customer behavior has changed around a campaign.

  • Tracks customer behavior through transactional data and an Amperity ID associated with a campaign.

  • Automatically holds back a control group when a campaign is created to test whether a customer will buy something in a store or whether they received an email or not.

  • Tracks omnichannel behavior of customers targeted in the test group, as well as the behavior of customers in the control holdout group.

  • Compares the behavior of control customers to those who received the marketing treatment and calculates the incremental impact of the campaign.

  • Determines whether a customer – with an Amperity ID associated with a campaign – has made a purchase within a timeframe set by the marketer. For instance, if a customer were to shop online or in a store.

  • Tests within smaller sub-sets of customer groups to determine how certain components within a campaign affect customer behavior. For example, how was the 10 percent email offer received by customers compared to the $10 off email offer.

  • Uses people-based measurement to randomly assign customers to control and treatment groups, which gives you the ability to accurately measure the incremental effects of a campaign. To learn more about people-based measurement, refer to the People-based measurement topic.


A marketer downloads campaign results for a campaign that they recently sent out. The the groups that were represented in these results are as follows:

  • Facebook Ads

  • Postcard

  • Email only (control group)

The marketer sees the following campaign results data in the .CSV file that they downloaded:

  • How many users were targeted in each group

  • When the campaign was launched

  • See how much revenue was generated per sub-group

  • See how revenue is broken down per user is

  • See at a high level how much each group spent.

In this case, the marketer can see that the Facebook Ads sub-group had more conversions than any of the other sub-groups. They can also see that the Facebook Ads sub-group also purchased more items than the other sub-groups.

Thus, the marketer can determine that the Facebook Ads channel is the best option for their marketing campaign.


This section describes tasks related to building campaigns in Amperity:

Add a sub-audience

You can add a sub-audience to a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

How to add a sub-audience to a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, click Add Sub-audience.

  2. From the Source menu, select Create custom criteria.

  3. From the Audience Builder window, To add these attributes to your segment, click Add condition.

  4. From the Sources drop-down list, select a source.

  5. From the Attributes drop-down list, select an attribute.

  6. From the Operators drop-down list, select an operator.

  7. To add these attributes to your segment, click Add condition to add more criteria.

  8. When done setting your criteria, click Save.

The new sub-audience appears in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section.


When you save your sub-audiences you will see recipient counts calculated. When you reorder your sub-audiences using drag and drop these counts are automatically updated.

Add a saved segment to a sub-audience

You can add a saved segment to a sub-audience in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To add a saved segment to a sub-audience in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, click Add Sub-audience.

  2. From the Source menu, click Saved segments.

  3. From the Segment(s) list, select one or more saved segments.

The saved segment(s) appear in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section on the Edit Campaign page.

Add a custom attribute to a destination

You can add a custom attribute to a destination on the Edit attributes page.

To add a custom attribute to a destination

  1. From the Edit attributes page, in the Source Table column, select a source table.

  2. In the Source Attribute column, select a custom attribute.

  3. Click Save.


    For the source table to appear in the Source Table column, it needs to appear in the segment editor and have a field with an Amperity ID.

Allocate customers to more than one sub-audience

You can allocate customers (Amperity IDs) to multiple sub-audiences in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.


Amperity defaults to allocating customers (Amperity IDs) to the first (mutually exclusive) sub-audience.

To allocate customers (Amperity IDs) multiple sub-audiences in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, switch the Assign to first match only toggle off.

Amperity will now allocate your customers (Amperity IDs) to multiple sub-audiences in your campaign.

Build a sub-audience

You can build a sub-audience in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To build a sub-audience in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, click Add Sub-audience.

  2. From the Source menu, either select a table source or search for a table source in the search field.

  3. From the Attribute menu, either select an attribute or search for an attribute in the search field.

  4. From the Condition menu, select a condition.

  5. From the value menu, either select a value or search for a value from the search field.

  6. Add another attribute or section.

  7. Select a destination from the menus in the Destinations column for each group.

  8. Click Edit attributes to edit or add attributes.

  9. Click Add Treatment to add a treatment group.


    You cannot edit a segment that is added as a sub-audience if it is built from a segment. To make changes to the segment, you will need to edit it directly in the Segment Editor.

Bulk delete

You can bulk delete campaigns or folders on the Campaigns page.

To bulk delete campaigns or folders

  1. From the Campaigns page, select the campaigns or folders to delete.

  2. From the bottom of the page, click Delete.

Bulk move

You can bulk move campaigns or folders on the Campaigns page.

To bulk delete campaigns or folders

  1. From the Campaigns page, select the campaigns or folders to move.

  2. From the bottom of the page, click Move.

Define treatment groups

You can define treatment groups in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To define treatment groups in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the All Remaining Recipients section, click Add treatment. The treatment group appears in the Group Name column.

  2. In the Control column, select the checkbox associated with a control group.

  3. Select a destination from the menus in the Destinations column for each group.

  4. Click Edit attributes to edit or add attributes.

Select attributes

You can select attributes in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To select attributes in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, click Add Sub-audience.

  2. From the Source menu, either select a table source or search for a table source in the search field.

  3. From the Attribute menu, either select an attribute or search for an attribute in the search field.

  4. From the Condition menu, select a condition.

  5. From the value menu, either select a value or search for a value in the search field.

  6. Add another attribute or section.

  7. When done, click Save.

Select a query source

You can select a query source on the Edit attributes page.

To select a query source

  1. From the Edit attributes page, in the Sources column, click on a row.

  2. In the Queries (Custom Tables), select a query source.

  3. Click Save.

Select destination

You can select destinations in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To select destinations in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations, select a destination from the Destinations column associated with a treatment group.

The destination appears in the Destinations column.

Apply exclusion list

You can apply an exclusion list in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To apply an exclusion list in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, in the Control column, select the checkbox associated with a control group.

The selected control group will be excluded from the campaign.

Archive campaign

Use the archive feature for campaigns you have actively used, but you don’t need anymore.


This action effectively deletes the campaign from your tenant. If you want to this campaign to be moved back into your tenant, please contact Amperity support.

To archive a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a campaign.

  2. In the menu, click Archive.

Build audience

You can build an audience in a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To build an audience in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Audience section, in the Include list, select the segment(s) to include.

  2. In the Exclude list, select the segment(s) to exclude.


    The Exclude list is optional. Use the Exclude list to choose recipients to exclude from a campaign.


    You can select up to 10 saved segments from the same database to build inclusions and exclusions for an audience.

The recipients group and control group appear in the All Recipients table in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section.

Choose campaign type

You can choose a campaign type from the Edit Campaign page.

To choose a campaign type in a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Recipient List Delivery section, in the Campaign type list, select either One-time or Recurring from the list:

Configure default attributes

You can configure default attributes from the Campaigns page.

To configure the default attributes

  1. From the Campaigns page, in the top-right corner of the page, click Default attributes.

  2. From the Default attributes window, click Add default attributes.

  3. From the Destination attributes window, select the database from the Database drop-down.

  4. Select the destination from the Destination drop-down.

  5. Click Add attribute.

  6. Select the source from the drop-down.

  7. Select the attribute from the drop-down.

  8. Enter the destination attribute name in the field.

  9. Click Save.

The new default attribute appears on the Default attributes window.

Configure a multichannel campaign

You you can configure a multichannel campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

How to configure a multichannel campaign

  1. Give your campaign a name.

  2. Choose the segment that represents the audience to use for this campaign.

    Optional. Choose a segment that contains a list of customers to exclude from this campaign.

  3. Configure at least one control group/treatment group set for this campaign. Rename these groups as necessary.

    A control group should be set to 10%, with the initial treatment group set to 90%. Click Add treatment to add more treatment groups. Rename them as necessary and adjust the percentages as appropriate.

  4. For each treatment group (including the control group, if configured for this campaign), assign multiple destinations.


    A treatment group with multiple destinations will send data to all of the configured destinations.

  5. Optional. Add one (or more) sub-audiences. Click Add Sub-audience to add more sets to this campaign, and then use the Audience Builder to define the criteria for each sub-audience.

  6. Optional. Give each sub-audience a name.

  7. Optional. Assign multiple destinations to each treatment group in a sub-audience.

  8. Configure recipient list delivery. One-time campaigns you have two options: at a scheduled date and time in the future or as soon as possible.

    Provide the campaign launch date. Amperity uses the campaign launch date to improve results tracking for campaigns.

  9. Click Schedule to put this campaign into the queue.

    Amperity will process the segments, and then send the results to the configured destinations. Please allow for enough time for Amperity to complete this process before kicking off the campaign in the downstream system.

Configure a one-time campaign

You can configure a one-time campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

How to configure a one-time campaign

  1. Give your campaign a name.

  2. Choose the segment that represents the audience to use for this campaign.

    Optional. Choose a segment that contains a list of customers to exclude from this campaign.

  3. Configure at least one control group/treatment group set for this campaign. Rename these groups as necessary.

    A control group should be set to 10%, with the initial treatment group set to 90%. Click Add treatment to add more treatment groups. Rename them as necessary and adjust the percentages as appropriate.

  4. For each treatment group (including the control group, if configured for this campaign), assign at least one destination. You may assign more than one.


    A treatment group with more than one configuration destination will send data to all of the configured destinations.

  5. Optional. Add one (or more) sub-audiences. Click Add Sub-audience to add more sets to this campaign, and then use the Audience Builder to define the criteria for each sub-audience.

  6. Optional. Give each sub-audience a name.

  7. Optional. Assign at least one destination to each treatment group in a sub-audience.

  8. Configure recipient list delivery. With one-time campaigns you have two options: at a scheduled date and time in the future or as soon as possible.

    Provide the campaign launch date. Amperity uses the campaign launch date to improve results tracking for campaigns.

  9. Click Schedule to put this campaign into the queue.

    Amperity will process the segments, and then send the results to the configured destinations. Please allow for enough time for Amperity to complete this process before kicking off the campaign in the downstream system.

Configure a recurring campaign

You you can configure a recurring campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

How to configure a recurring campaign

  1. Give your campaign a name.

  2. Choose the segment that represents the audience to use for this campaign.

    Optional. Choose a segment that contains a list of customers to exclude from this campaign.

  3. Configure at least one control group/treatment group set for this campaign. Rename these groups as necessary.

    A control group should be set to 10%, with the initial treatment group set to 90%. Click Add treatment to add more treatment groups. Rename them as necessary and adjust the percentages as appropriate.

  4. For each treatment group (including the control group, if configured for this campaign), assign at least one destination. You may assign more than one.


    A treatment group with more than one configuration destination will send data to all of the configured destinations.

  5. Optional. Add one (or more) sub-audiences. Click Add Sub-audience to add more sets to this campaign, and then use the Audience Builder to define the criteria for each sub-audience.

  6. Optional. Give each sub-audience a name.

  7. Optional. Assign at least one destination to each treatment group in a sub-audience.

  8. Configure recipient list delivery. Recurring campaigns require a cadence (daily or weekly), a start date and time, and then an end date. The end date has three options: never, on a specific date, or after a specified number of occurrences.

    Provide the campaign launch date. Amperity uses the campaign launch date to improve results tracking for campaigns.

  9. Click Schedule to put this campaign into the queue.

    Amperity will process the segments, and then send the results to the configured destinations. Please allow for enough time for Amperity to complete this process before kicking off the campaign in the downstream system.

Copy campaign ID

You can copy a campaign ID on the Campaigns page.

To copy a campaign ID

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a campaign.

  2. In the menu, click Copy ID.

  3. Paste the campaign ID in the appropriate location.

Delete campaign

You can delete a campaign on the Campaigns page.

To delete a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a campaign.

  2. In the menu, click Delete.

  3. The Delete Campaign dialogue box opens. Click Confirm.

The campaign no longer appears on the Campaigns page.


You can only delete a scheduled or draft campaign. Once a campaign has been delivered you can only archive it.


Amperity has the ability to recover a campaign that has been deleted.

Discard campaign

You can discard a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To discard a campaign

Use the Discard option to remove a campaign from Amperity. This should be done carefully. Verify that both upstream and downstream processes no longer depend on this campaign prior to discarding it.

  1. From the Campaigns page, open a campaign, and then select Discard.

  2. The Discard Campaign dialog box opens. Click Confirm.

Download campaign results

You can download a file that contains a list of campaign results.

For example, a daily campaign has a launch date of March 7. From the Download results dialog, select “March 7” and 4 days. The downloaded file will show one row of data for each treatment group for every email address (as identified by the Amperity ID) that received the campaign on March 7-10.

To download campaign results

  1. From the Campaigns page, choose a campaign, and then from the    menu, choose Download results. This opens the Download results dialog.

  2. Select the list delivery date.

  3. Select the date range for which you want to pull data. The first is the date from which data should begin, and the second is an integer that represents the number of days for which results should be downloaded.

  4. Click Download.

Download recipients

You can download a recipients list from a delivered campaign on the Campaigns page.

To download a recipients list

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a delivered campaign.

  2. In the menu, click Download Recipients.

  3. On the Download Recipients window, select the recipient list from the Recipients list delivery date: drop-down menu.

  4. Click Download. An .CSV file downloads to your Downloads folder on your computer.

  5. Open the .CSV file in a program and then view the recipients list.

Duplicate campaign

You can reuse, build, and scale campaigns with ease by utilizing a pre-existing campaign as a template.

To duplicate a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a campaign.

  2. Click Duplicate.

  3. The Duplicate Segment dialog box opens. Click Confirm.

  4. On the Edit Campaign, make your changes, and then click Save.

The duplicated campaign appears on the Campaigns page.

Edit attribute

You can edit an attribute on the Edit Campaign page.

To an attribute

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, click Edit Attribute.

  2. In the Edit attributes window, make your changes, and then click Save.

Edit campaign

You can edit a draft, scheduled, or delivered campaign on the Campaigns page.

To edit a draft campaign

  1. On the Campaigns page, on a campaign, click the more options button.

  2. In the menu that appears, click Edit.

  3. On the Edit Campaigns page, make your changes.

  4. When done, click Schedule.

To edit a scheduled campaign

  1. On the Campaigns page, on a campaign, click the more options button.

  2. In the menu that appears, click Unschedule and Edit.

  3. On the Unschedule and Edit dialog box, click Confirm.

  4. On the Edit Campaigns page, make your changes.

  5. When done, click Schedule.

To edit a delivered campaign

  1. On the Campaigns page, click on a campaign.

  2. On the View Campaign page, click Edit.

  3. On the Edit Campaign page, make your changes.

  4. When done, click Schedule.


    After a campaign has been delivered, you can edit and reschedule the campaign for a future delivery.

Edit sub-audience

You can edit a sub-audience on the Edit Campaign page.

To edit a sub-audience

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, click Edit to edit a sub-audience.

  2. In the Audience Builder window, make your changes, and then click Save.

Enable Campaign Recipients table

The Campaign Recipients table contains a list of Amperity IDs associated with any campaign that was sent from Amperity. Each campaign is associated with the segment used to generate the list of recipients, the control and treatment groups (including sub-audiences) used for the campaign, its launch date, and all destinations to which the campaign was sent.

The Campaign Recipients table can be enabled directly from the Campaigns page. It may be enabled for each database that is configured in your tenant.

To enable the Campaign Recipients table

  1. Click the Campaign settings link next to the Create campaign button, and then open the Advanced tab.

  2. Under Campaign Recipients, select the databases for which the Campaign Recipients table should be enabled.

  3. Click Save.

Filter campaigns

You can filter the list of campaigns that appear on the Campaigns page by using any combination of the following:

  • By cadence. Select One-time or Recurring.

  • By status. Select any combination of Delivered, Draft, Error and Scheduled.

  • By destination. Select any combination of destinations that have been configured for your tenant.

  • By user. Users can be filtered by author (who created the campaign?) and by most recent update (who last edited the campaign?). Select any combination of users in your tenant.

Organize campaigns

You can organize the campaigns shown in the Campaigns page:

Add folders

You can add a folder on the Campaigns page.

To add a folder

  1. From the Campaigns page click Create folder.

  2. From the Create Folder dialog box, enter the name for the folder.

  3. Click Create.

The folder appears on the Campaigns page.

Add subfolders

Use the Create folder option in the menu to add up to three levels of subfolders. All folder names must be unique.

To add a subfolder

  1. From the Campaigns page, open the menu for a folder, and then select Create folder. This opens the Create Folder window.

  2. Enter the name for the folder.

  3. Click Create.

Delete a campaign

You can delete a folder from the Campaigns page.

To move a segment

  1. From the Campaigns page, open the menu for a folder, and then select Delete. This opens the Delete Folder dialog box.

  2. Click Delete.

The folder no longer appears on the Campaigns page.

Move campaign

Use the Move option to move around and organize the list of folders and campaigns. Folders may be expanded (or collapsed) to view (and hide) the list of campaigns and subfolders contained within.

To move a segment

  1. From the Campaigns page, open the menu for a campaign, and then select Move. This opens the Move campaign dialog box.

  2. Select the name of an existing folder to which a campaign will be moved, and then click Move.


If the folder to which a campaign will be moved is not present in the list of folders, you can add it directly from the Move campaign dialog box. Click the + New folder link, type a name for the folder, and then select it.

Remove sub-audience

You can remove a sub-audience from the Edit Campaign page.

To remove a sub-audience

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Audience groups and destinations section, click Remove.

The sub-audience is removed from the Edit Campaign page.

Schedule campaign

You can schedule a campaign on the Edit Campaign page.

To schedule a campaign

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Recipient List Delivery section, click Schedule delivery.

  2. The date field appears. Enter a date.

  3. The time field appears. Enter a time.

Search campaigns

You can search for a campaign on the Campaigns page.

To search for a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, on the top of the page, enter the search term(s) into the search field.

The search results appear on the Campaigns page.

Select destinations

You can select destinations on the Edit Campaign page.

To select a destination

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, select a destination associated with a group from the Destinations column.

Send campaign metadata to destination

You can send campaign metadata (i.e., Amperity IDs and names associated with each audience group) to a destination on the Edit Campaign page.

To send a metadata to a destination

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Sub-audiences and Destinations section, click Edit attributes.

  2. From the Edit attributes page, click Add attribute.

  3. From the Sources column, select a source.

  4. From the Source Attribute column, select a field.

  5. When done, click Save.

Set campaign launch date

You can set a campaign launch date on the Edit Campaign page.

To set a campaign launch date

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Recipient List Delivery section, enter the amount of days in the Campaign launch date: field.

Set delivery schedule

You can set a delivery schedule on the Edit Campaign page.

To set delivery schedule

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the Recipient List Delivery section, either select Schedule delivery or Deliver ASAP from the menu.

Unschedule a campaign

You can unschedule a campaign on the Campaigns page.

To unschedule a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a scheduled campaign.

  2. On the menu that appears, click Unschedule and edit.

  3. The Unschedule and Edit dialogue box appears. Click Confirm.

View campaign

You can view a campaign on the Campaigns page.

To view a campaign

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a delivered campaign.

  2. On the menu that appears, click View.

The Edit Campaign page appears displaying the campaign details.

View campaign history

You can view a campaign’s history on the Campaigns page.

To view a campaign’s history

  1. From the Campaigns page, click the more options button on a delivered campaign.

  2. On the menu that appears, click History.

The Campaign History dialogue box appears displaying the campaign’s history details.

View delivery summary

You can view a campaign on the View Campaign or Edit Campaign pages.

To view a delivery summary

  1. From the Edit Campaign page, in the click Delivery summary.

The Preview List Delivery Details page appears displaying details associated with each destination.

View notifications

Notifications for the Campaigns page appear after Amperity processes the segments, and then sends the results to the configured destinations. Notifications typically indicate successful outcomes. Less often, notifications contain details for non-successful outcomes, such as failures related to upstream or downstream processes.

The notifications pane sits on the right side of the Campaigns page.

To view notifications

If a notification is about a non-successful outcome, the details for why and what happened can be found in the notification itself. Click More to view the full notification. Click View Workflow to open the workflow in the Workflows page.

In some cases viewing the log files may be helpful. In many cases, fix the root cause of the non-successful outcome, and then rerun the process manually. The Workflows page will provide a set of workflow actions that you can initiate directly.

View recently edited campaigns

You can view your recently edited campaigns on the Campaigns page.

To view your recently edited campaigns

  1. From the Campaigns page, on the top of the page, view your recently edited campaigns.

View workflow

You can access a workflow from the Campaigns page.

To view a workflow

  1. From the Campaigns page, click View Workflow next to a notification in the notifications pane.

The Workflows page appears displaying task status details.