Days since latest order

Days since latest order measures the number of days that have elapsed since a customer has placed an order.

Use in segments

To find the number of days that have elapsed since a customer’s most recent order, start with the Days Since Latest Order attribute in the Transaction Attributes Extended table, and then set its condition to is between.

Choose the days since latest order attribute from the Segment Editor.

After the attribute appears in your segment, specify the number of days. For example, to find customers for whom 90 days have elapsed since their latest order:

Available conditions

The following table lists the conditions that are available to this attribute.


This attribute has a Integer data type. All Integer data types share the same set of conditions. Recommended conditions for this attribute are identified with “ More useful” and conditions with more limited use cases are identified with “ Less useful”.




Returns customer records with dates that match the specified date.

is between

More useful

Returns customer records with dates that are between the specified dates, not including the specified date.


A churn prevention campaign must measure the time that has elapsed since a customer’s most recent order and the current date.

Use the in between operator along with relative date ranges to associate customers to specific stages within your churn prevention campaign.

For example: if your churn prevention campaign has stages at 14 days and 1 month after the customer’s most recent purchase, add the following criteria to the 14-day segment:

"Days Since Latest Order" is between 0 and 14

and the following criteria to the 1-month segment

"Days Since Latest Order" is between 0 and 30

is greater than

Returns customer records with dates that are greater than the specified date, not including the specified date.

is greater than or equal to

Returns customer records with dates that are greater than or equal to the specified date, including the specified date.

is in list

Returns customer records with dates that match the dates that are specified in the list.

is less than

More useful

Returns customer records with dates that are less than the specified date, not including the specified date.

is less than or equal to

More useful

Returns customer records with dates that are less than or equal to the specified date, including the specified date.

is not

Less useful

Returns customer records with date that do not match the specified date.

is not between

Less useful

Returns customer records with dates that are not between the specified dates, not including the specified date.

is not in list

Less useful

Returns customer records with dates that do not match the dates that are specified in the list.

is not NULL

Returns customer records that have a value.


Returns customer records that do not have a value.