Early repeat purchaser¶
Early repeat purchasers represent the percentage of first-time buyers who returned to make a second purchase within 90 days.
Use the Early Repeat Purchaser attribute to build segments that support campaigns that turn one-time buyers into repeat customers. Compare your one-time buyers with early repeat purchasers. Move customers who have made a repeat purchase within 90 days out of your one-time buyer campaign and into other campaigns.
A one-time buyer could, in theory, make their elusive second purchase 60 days or 600 days after their first purchase. For early repeat purchaser to be a useful metric you cannot wait 600 days. Amperity defaults to 90 days; many customers choose to use a shorter time window.
To use a shorter time window, update the Transaction Attributes Extended table for your preferred value. For example, to use 60 days as the definition for an early repeat purchaser, change the current value to 60:
WHEN DATE_DIFF(attrs.second_order_datetime, attrs.first_order_datetime) <= 60 THEN true
WHEN DATE_DIFF(attrs.second_order_datetime, attrs.first_order_datetime) > 60 THEN false
WHEN DATE_DIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), attrs.first_order_datetime) > 60 THEN false
END AS `early_repeat_purchaser`
Use in segments¶
To find early repeat purchasers, start with the Early Repeat Purchaser attribute, and then set its condition to is true.
Available operators¶
The following table lists the operators that are available to this attribute.
This attribute has a Boolean data type. All Boolean data types share the same set of operators. Recommended operators for this attribute are identified with “ More useful” and operators with more limited use cases are identified with “ Less useful”.
Operator |
Description |
is false |
More useful Filters your segment to contain customers who have not made a second purchase within the timeframe that defines an early repeat purchaser. By default this timeframe is “within 90 days”. |
is not NULL |
Returns customer records that have a value. |
is NULL |
Returns customer records that do not have a value. |
is true |
More useful Filters your segment to contain customers who have made a second purchase within the timeframe that defines an early repeat purchaser. By default this timeframe is “within 90 days”. |