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About sandboxes

About sandboxesAllow sandbox administrationAbout sandbox workflowsBest practicesCommon tasks

Sync data with Amperity

About Amperity BridgeDatabricksSnowflake

Manage sources

Sync data

About Amperity BridgeDatabricks

Pull data

Any SFTP siteAcxiomAdobe AnalyticsAdobe CampaignAdobe CommerceAdobe Customer AttributesAmazon Kinesis Data FirehoseAmazon S3Attentive MobileAzure Blob StorageBazaarVoiceBluecoreBrazeCamelot SMMCheetah DigitalCordialCross Country ComputerDynamic YieldEmarsysEpsilon AbacusEpsilon ConversantEpsilon TargetingExperianGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Cloud StorageHeapHubSpotInfutorKoupon MediaKlaviyoKustomerListrakMicrosoft DataverseMonetateNeustarOptimizelyOracle Data CloudOracle OperaOracle ResponsysPowerReviewsPebblePostQuadRR DonnellySailthruSalesforce Commerce CloudSalesforce Marketing CloudSalesforce PardotSalesforce Sales CloudSFTP (in Amperity)SMGSnowflake (on Amazon AWS)Snowflake (on Microsoft Azure)SoundCommerceSquareVibesZendesk

Recommendations for sending data to Amperity

Reshape data on ingest

About ingest queriesAbout Spark SQLAbout load operations for ingest queriesAdd ingest queryAdd load operation

Example ingest queries

Build birthdateConcatenate columnsExplode transactionsFind recordsFlatten with identifiersImport billing as addressJOIN datasetsLoad XML dataParse nested recordsRemove fieldSelect all fields

Apply semantic tags

About feedsAbout semantic tags

Configure feeds

Set the primary keyApply semantic tagsSelect last updated fieldMake available to Stitch

Customer profiles

About customer profilesAddress groupsEmail addressesLoyalty programsNamesPhone numbers

Customer interactions

About customer interactionsApply to feeds or use domain SQL?Associate to Amperity IDs


About keysBlocking keys (bk)Customer keys (ck)Foreign keys (fk)Primary keys (pk)Separation keys (sk)

Product catalogs

About product catalogsDefine product catalogs

Review domain data

Review domain data

Review domain dataAmperity-added columnsColumn typesRecord types

Reshape domain data

Reshape domain dataAbout domain SQLBuild birthdatesCombine postal codesExtract namesHash profile dataParse multiple separatorsSet non-USA email to NULLStandardize phone numbersStandardize USA states

Run Stitch

Add tables to Stitch runRun StitchConfigure Stitch

Build databases

Add customer profilesAdd transactionsEnable segments and campaignsEnable predicted modeling

Validate results

Review Stitch resultsAbout Stitch QAAbout transactions QA

Define blocklists

Blocklist bad-valuesApply Stitch labelsManage nicknames

Configure Stitch

Select stitched tablesOne-to-one StitchStitch reports Clustering and fine-tuning Blocking strategyCase-sensitive foreign keysMatching strategyMatching thresholds Performance Allowed empty tablesDays of recorded history Stitch processing Force Stitch to runIgnore jitter alertsSkip unified changesSkip unified scores Stable IDsAdvanced settings Automatic bad value detectionClustering algorithmPre-processing profiles Pre-processing profiles Australian phone numbersClean foreign keysEmail addressesMultiple preprocessing profilesNormalize genderSupersized clustersTrivial duplicatesSemantic exclusions

Manage databases

About databasesAbout Spark SQLDefine customer profileExport databases and tables

Table types

Standard tablesSource and custom tablesQA tables

Manage databases

About databasesAdd empty databaseAdd database from templateCustomer 360 templatePassthrough templateStitch QA templateUse multiple databasesApply flexible merge rules

Manage tables

About tablesAdd as passthroughAdd as SQLAdd from table template

Standard table templates

Customer 360Customer AttributesEmail Engagement AttributesEmail Opt StatusMerged CustomersSMS Opt StatusUnified CoalescedUnified CustomerUnified Itemized TransactionsUnified ScoresUnified Transactions

Validation alerts

About validation alertsImplicit CROSS JOINOVER without PARTITION BYUnescaped backslashesUnintentional broadcast joins

Query historical data

About querying historical data ● ● Available versionsReturn versions by datetimeReturn versions by creation dateView all versioned tables

Extend databases

Add a graph databaseAdd a PII tableAdd householdingCalculate nearest storePredict genderSupport CCPA and GDPR workflowsUse first-party dataUse third-party data

Configure destinations

File systems

Any SFTP siteAmazon S3Azure Blob StorageGoogle Cloud Storage

Paid media

Amazon AdsCriteo Audience APICriteo Retail Audience APIDV360Facebook AdsFacebook MessengerGoogle AdsInstagramMicrosoft AdvertisingPinterestSnapchatThe Trade DeskTikTokWalmart DSPWhatsAppYouTubeYahoo DSP

Customer engagement

Active CampaignAdobe CampaignAirshipAmazon PinpointBrazeCheetah DigitalCordialDynamic YieldHubSpotKlaviyoListrakLiveRampMailchimpPebblePostSailthruSalesforce Marketing Cloud

Business operations

AcxiomAdobe Customer AttributesAdobe Experience PlatformAdobe MarketoAWS ConnectAttentiveBazaarVoiceBluecoreDynamics 365 MarketingEvocalizeExperianInfutorKoupon MediaMonetateNeustarOptimizelyOracle Data CloudOracle ResponsysPersadoPowerReviewsSalesforce Sales CloudThrotleTulipVibesZendesk


BI ConnectDomoMicrosoft DynamicsMicrosoft Power BITableau

Cloud data

Amazon RedshiftAzure SynapseGoogle BigQueryMicrosoft DataverseSnowflake (on Amazon AWS)Snowflake (on Azure)



Automate workflows

About workflows

Courier groups

About courier groupsDuration thresholdsMissing files

Orchestration groups

About orchestration groupsRun after courier groupRun on a schedule