Send query results to Google Ads

Google Ads is search-based advertising that can be run across the Google advertising network and is shown to web users. Use search-based advertising to promote your brand, help sell products or services, raise awareness, and increase traffic to your website or stores.


This destination uses the Google Audience Partner API .

Changes to audiences are not immediately available in Google Ads. Allow for up to 48 hours after the point at which Amperity has finished sending audience updates for them to be available.


Review the user consent policy for the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), and then add the required columns to your orchestration or campaign.


Amperity requires access to Google Ads. This access may expire or be removed periodically, depending on how OAuth is managed at Google Ads. If Amperity is unable to send data to Google Ads ask your DataGrid Operator to reauthorize access to Google Ads.

This topic describes the steps that are required to send customer data to Google Ads from Amperity:

  1. Build a query

  2. Add orchestration

  3. Run orchestration


Google Ads must be enabled before you can configure an orchestration to send query results.

Build query

You will need to build a query that outputs fields that can be mapped to Google Ads API matching keys, one of:

  1. Contact information, including personally identifiable information (PII) matching

  2. Mobile device matching

  3. Advertiser-generated and assigned user ID matching.


The Google Ads API has specific requirements. Define a query, and then export it as a CSV file to profile the data.

  • Add and normalize the country code when states are US and Canada, but the country is NULL.

  • Phone numbers are required to have a +11231234567 format.

  • First name, last name, zip code, and country are all required for the “Contact Info” upload key. If any are missing, none are passed.


  email AS Email
  ,CONCAT('+',REGEXP_REPLACE(phone, '(\s*)([^a-zA-Z0-9])', '')) AS Phone
  ,surname AS LastName
  ,given_name AS FirstName
  ,postal AS Zip
  ,country AS Country
FROM Merged_Customers
OR (given_name IS NOT NULL
    AND surname IS NOT NULL
    AND postal IS NOT NULL
    AND country IS NOT NULL

Add orchestration

An orchestration defines the relationship between query results and a destination, including the location to which those query results will be sent and the frequency at which the orchestration will be run.

To add an orchestration

  1. From the Destinations tab, click Add Orchestration. This opens the Add Orchestration dialog box.

  2. From the Object Type drop-down, select Query.

  3. From the Object drop-down, select the query for which results will be sent to Google Ads.

  4. From the Destination drop-down, select a destination that is configured for sending data to Google Ads.

  5. From the Data Template drop-down, select a data template.

  6. Verify all settings.

  7. Set the workflow to Manual. (You can change this to automatic later, after verifying the end-to-end workflow.)

  8. Click Save.

Run orchestration

Run the orchestration manually to validate that it works.

To run the orchestration

  1. From the Destinations tab, under Orchestrations, open the    menu for the Google Ads orchestration, and then select Run.

  2. The Status column for the orchestration will update to say “Waiting to start…”, after which the notifications pane will update to include a notification that shows the current status.

  3. When the orchestration has run successfully, the status is updated to “Completed”.