Product catalogs

A product catalog represents data that describes purchased items, including unique identifiers, stock keeping units (SKUs), and other product attributes.


A product catalog is most often available from the Unified Itemized Transactions table, but may also be available from other tables in your database.

Items in your product catalog are semantically tagged in the data sources that were made available to Amperity, after which it is available from the Unified Itemized Transactions table.

Use in segments

You can access product catalog attributes directly from the Segment Editor. To add these attributes to your segment, To add these attributes to your segment, click Add condition and then Add attribute. Select the Unified Itemized Transactions table, select one of your product catalog attributes, apply a condition, and then specify a value.

Available conditions

The following table lists the conditions that are available to product catalog attributes.


Product catalog attributes have a String data type. All String data types share the same set of conditions. Recommended conditions for this attribute are identified with “  More useful” and conditions with more limited use cases are identified with “  Less useful”.




  More useful

Returns customer records with values that match a string of characters.

For example: a list that specifies “shorts” and “shoes” will return customers who have purchased “shorts” and “shoes”, but not “pants” or “socks”.

does not contain

Returns customer records with values that do not match a string of characters.

For example:

  • A list that specifies “shorts” and “shoes” will return customers who have purchased “pants” or “socks”, but not “shorts” and “shoes”.

  • “sh” will return “pants” and “socks”, but not “shirts” or “shorts”.

ends with

Returns customer records with values that end with the specified characters.

is empty

  Less useful

Returns customer records that do not have a value in this field.

is exactly

  More useful

Returns all customer records with values that match the specified characters.

For example, “shorts” will return “shorts” and not “pants”, “shirts”, or “socks”.

is not empty

Returns customer records that have a value in this field.

is not exactly

Returns customer records that do not match the specified characters.

For example: “shorts” will return “pants”, “shirts”, and “socks”.

starts with

Returns customer records that start with the specified characters.