Physical addresses

A customer’s physical address includes the following:

  • The address that is associated with the location of a customer, such as “123 Main Street”.

  • The city that is associated with the location of a customer.

  • The state or province that is associated with the location of a customer.

  • The zip code or postal code that is associated with the location of a customer.


When a customer has a complete physical address in their profile, they are considered to have a “contactable address”.

You can access address attributes directly from the Segment Editor. To add these attributes to your segment, click Add criteria, select the Customer 360 table, select a combination of Address, Address2, City, State, and Postal attributes, apply a condition, and then specify a value.

Available conditions

The following table lists the conditions that are available to physical address attributes.


All physical address attributes have a String data type. All String data types share the same set of conditions. Recommended conditions for this attribute are identified with “  More useful” and conditions with more limited use cases are identified with “  Less useful”.




Returns customer records with values that match a string of characters.

does not contain

Returns customer records with values that do not match a string of characters.

ends with

Returns customer records with values that end with the specified characters.

is empty

Returns customer records that do not have a value in this field.

is exactly

Returns all customer records with values that match the specified characters.

is not empty

Returns customer records that have a value in this field.

is not exactly

Returns customer records that do not match the specified characters.

starts with

Returns customer records that start with the specified characters.